- n. 空氣;天空;空中;感覺;神態;曲調;裝腔作勢
- v. 晾乾;使通風;廣播
- 空中,天空
- 空氣
- 大氣
- 神態
- 樣子
- 曲調
- 擺架子,裝腔作勢,做作的樣子
- 氣氛,氣派
- 【音】主調
- <罕>微風
- 感覺,印象
- 歡天喜地,得意洋洋
- 航空;飛機,空軍(指人員和裝備),航空兵
- 媒介,廣播
- <美口>空調設備,空調系統
- 晾,晾乾,烘乾,烤乾,風乾
- 播送
- 發表,公開發表,宣揚,表達
- 炫耀,顯示,誇示
- <美>廣播,播出
- 透風,通風,通氣;使通風
- 散步,兜風
- 吹風
- 使換氣,透氣
- 給…裝置通風設備
- 早,不久
- [U]天空,大氣,空氣 the sky or space above the ground; atmosphere
- [U]空中 the earth's atmosphere as the place where aircraft fly
- [C]曲調,歌曲,旋律 music; tune; melody
- [C]樣子,神態,姿態 appearance; manner
- [C]微風 light wind
- vt. & vi. 晾曬,烘乾 dry (clothing, bedding, etc.) in the open air or in a warm place
- vt. (使)房間通風,換空氣 (cause to) become fresh by letting in air
- vt. 發表,傾訴,炫耀 make public (opinions, complains, etc.), especially in a noisy manner
- vt. & vi. 播送,廣播 broadcast
a mixture of gases (especially oxygen) required for breathing; the stuff that the wind consists of;
"air pollution"
"a smell of chemicals in the air"
"open a window and let in some air"
"I need some fresh air"
the region above the ground;
"her hand stopped in mid air"
"he threw the ball into the air"
a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing;
"an air of mystery"
"the house had a neglected air"
"an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters"
"the place had an aura of romance"
a slight wind (usually refreshing);
"the breeze was cooled by the lake"
"as he waited he could feel the air on his neck"
the mass of air surrounding the Earth;
"there was great heat as the comet entered the atmosphere"
"it was exposed to the air"
once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence;
"she was humming an air from Beethoven"
medium for radio and television broadcasting;
"the program was on the air from 9 til midnight"
"the president used the airwaves to take his message to the people"
travel via aircraft;
"air travel involves too much waiting in airports"
"if you've time to spare go by air"
expose to fresh air;
"aerate your old sneakers"
be broadcast;
"This show will air Saturdays at 2 P.M."
broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television;
"We cannot air this X-rated song"
make public;
"She aired her opinions on welfare"
expose to warm or heated air, so as to dry;
"Air linen"
expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen;
"air the old winter clothes"
"air out the smoke-filled rooms"
- The fresh air in the morning made him feel glad.
早晨的新鮮空氣使他覺得愉快。 - There is a bird flying through the air.
一隻小鳥從天空飛過。 - The archers sent their shafts through the air.
弓箭手向空中射出利箭。 - There was an air of excitement at the meeting.
開會時氣氛顯得有些興奮。 - There is an air of abstraction in her face.
她臉上帶著一種心不在焉的神態。 - He played a delightful air on his flute.
他用笛子吹奏了一支歡快的曲調。 - You will lose friends if you put on airs.
- You should air the clothes to get the damp out.
你應該把衣服晾一下去去潮氣。 - The doctor recommended him to air the room.
醫生建議他打掃房間。 - We need to air out the smoke-filled rooms.
- airs and graces
做作的姿態,裝腔作勢 affectation
- as free as the air
自由自在 happy-go-luck
- beat the air
徒勞,白費氣力 waste
- build castles in the air
做白日夢,不能實現的希望,計劃等 day-dream hopes, plans that are unlikely to be realized
- by air
乘飛機; 航空郵寄(信件) in an aircraft
- clear the air
換氣 make the air in a place fresh by opening a window
- give air to
闡明,詳細解釋 state or explain in detail
- give oneself airs
盛氣凌人,神氣活現 act proud; act vain
- go up in the air
十分惱火 become very angry
- hang in the air
懸而未決 leave undecided or unsettled
- hot air
夸夸其談 bluster
- in the air
懸而未決,沒充分計劃好; (謠言等)傳開,散布開; 流行開 (of stories, rumours etc.) spreading not fully planned, uncertain
- in the open air
在戶外 outside
- off the air
停止廣播 not engaged in broadcasting
- on the air
廣播 broadcasting
- out of thin air
無中生有,突然出現 out of nowhere; out of nothing visible
- put on airs
裝腔作勢,擺架子 behave in an unnatural way in the hope of impressing people
- take air
為眾人所知,被傳揚 spread about among people; become known
- take in the air
到戶外散步,戶外透透氣 go outdoors; take a walk or ride
- vanish into thin air
無影無蹤,化為烏有 disappear
- walk〔tread〕 on air
喜氣洋洋,興高采烈 be very gay or pleased
- air out (v.+adv.)
通通風,透透空氣 freshen (a room) by letting air move through it
air sb/sth ⇔ outIt's so stale in here, Mary, please open the window and air this place out.
- accompany air 伴奏
- admit air 放進空氣
- adopt air 採納態度
- affect air 佯裝神氣
- arrange air 改寫樂曲
- change air 換空氣
- clear air 使空氣新鮮
- communicate air 換空氣
- compose air 作曲
- condition air 調節空氣
- cool air 使空氣涼爽
- drink air 吸氣
- expel air 排出氣體
- get the air 被解散
- infect air 傳染空氣
- inject air 注入空氣
- load air 裝滿空氣
- play air 演奏曲子
- purge air 清除空氣污濁
- rule air 支配空中
- sing air 唱,歌頌
- split air 分裂氣勢
- spoil air 彈壞了曲調
- stir air 使氣氛激動
- sweep air 掠過空中
- take air (事情)傳開
- whistle air 用口哨吹曲調
- win the air 贏得控制權
- atmospheric air 大氣
- blue air 沮喪,憂慮的神情
- chilly air 寒冷的空氣
- cloudless air 晴朗的天空,無憂愁
- cheerful air 喜悅神色
- cold air 冷空氣
- cool air 涼爽的空氣
- comfortable air 舒服的空氣
- conditioned air 調節的空氣
- damp air 潮濕的空氣
- darkened air 陰沉的空氣
- dusky air 昏暗的天空
- flower-fragrant air 充滿花香的空氣
- foggy air 有濃霧的天氣
- free air 自由的神情
- fresh air 新鮮空氣
- frosty air 寒冷的空氣
- greedy air 貪婪的神情
- healthful air 有益健康的空氣
- heaven-high air 卓越,超絕的神氣
- heavy air 陰沉,多雲的天空
- lifeless air 無生命空氣
- liquid air 液態空氣
- lofty air 傲慢態度
- mild air 溫和的空氣
- mineral air 含礦物質的空氣
- misty air 有霧的空氣
- moist air 潮濕的空氣
- pale air 蒼白的神情
- pleasant air 愉悅的神態
- polluted air 污染的空氣
- raw air 陰寒的空氣
- salt air 鹹味空氣
- sharp air 嚴寒的〔凜冽的〕空氣
- smoke-saturated air 煙霧瀰漫的天空
- spiced air 有香氣的空氣
- starry air 多星夜空
- thin air 稀薄的空氣
- vacant air 空虛,茫然的表情
- delightful air 歡樂的歌
- light air 輕音樂
- lilting air 節奏輕快的曲調
- lively airs 歡快的曲子
- memorable air 難忘的曲調
- patriotic air 愛國曲調
- persistent air 固執的語氣
- plaintive air 哀怨的曲調
- popular airs 流行歌曲
- stirring air 動人的旋律
- warm air 熱烈氣氛
- wizard air 令人著魔的調子〔聲調〕
- country air 鄉村空氣
- mountain air 山間空氣
- night air 夜間空氣
- holiday air 節日氣氛
- air action 空戰
- air age 航空時代
- air alarm 空襲警報
- air arm 空軍
- air attack 空襲
- air battle 空戰
- air blower 鼓風機
- air bombardment 轟炸
- air brick 空心磚
- air bridge 空運線
- air burst 空中爆炸
- air bus 空中巴士,大型客機
- air cargo 空運貨物
- air carrier 空運機
- air castle 空中樓閣
- air cleaner 空氣清潔器
- air conditioner 空氣調節器
- air cooler 空氣冷卻器
- air cover 空中掩護
- air craftsman 空軍士兵
- air crew 機組人員
- air current 氣流
- air distance 行距
- air drain 通氣管,通氣溝
- air drop 空投
- air engine 心機
- air express 空運包裹
- air field 機場
- air fight 空戰
- air fleet 機群
- air flight 航空小隊
- air force 空軍
- air gas 瓦斯
- air guard 空中警衛
- air gun 氣槍
- air hammer 氣錘
- air head 空降場
- air hop 超短程空中旅行
- air jet 空氣噴嘴
- air letter 航空信
- air lift 空中補給
- air line 航空公司,航線
- air liner 客機
- air load 氣動力負荷
- air lock 阻隔室
- air mail 航空郵件
- air map 由空中攝影製成的地圖
- air park 小機場
- air passenger 空中乘客
- air pipe 通風管
- air plant 氣生植物
- air police 空中憲兵
- air pollution 空氣污染
- air post 航空郵件
- air power 空中力量
- air pressure 氣壓
- air raid 空襲
- air rifle 氣槍
- air service 航空隊
- air show 航空表演
- air sickness 暈機
- air space 領空; 空域
- air station 航空維修站
- air stop 直升機航空站
- air support 空中支援
- air survey 空中地型測量
- air train 空中列車
- air travel 空中旅行
- air vehicle 空中運載工具
- air war 空戰
- air way 通風孔
- air well 通風井
- air conditioned 裝有空調的
- air cooled 用冷氣調節的
- air driven 由壓縮空氣推動的
- air proof 密不透氣的,不通氣的
- air sick 暈機的
- air tight 不透氣的
- air wise 富有航空經驗的
- air worthy 飛機適於安全飛行標準的,適宜航空的
- by air (乘)飛機,用無線電
- go by air 乘飛機去
- bask in air 沐浴在空氣中
- build in air 建於空氣中
- dance in air 在空氣中飄動
- in the air 在空中,未決定
- blow into air 給…充氣
- disappear into thin air 不留痕迹地消失了
- melt into air 與空氣融為一體
- mount into air 登高入空中
- a breath of air 一陣微風
- off the air 停止廣播
- live on air 靠西北風過活
- on the air 廣播,正在播音
- bore through air 擠入空氣
- draw up with air 靠近,靠攏的表情
- address with air 講話的神態
- mix with air 與空氣相混合
- air of importance 了不起的樣子
- put air in 給 …充氣
- give airs to 裝腔作勢
- fill the air with 空氣中裝滿(香味)
- air bedclothes 曬床單
- air clothing 晒衣服
- air grievance 發牢騷
- air one's arrogance 擺出高傲的架子
- air one's opinion 發表個人的意見
- air out 通通風,透透空氣,晾一晾
Content to breathe his native air In his own ground.
出自: Pope -
His goods are spoiled by foul air and gas fumes.
出自: F. Nightingale -
All I want is a room somewhere, Far away from the cold night air.
出自: A. J. Lerner -
To keep the room aired and swept.
出自: M. Edgeworth
- aerate
- display
- expose
- publicize
- reveal
- ventilate
- wind n.
- atmosphere
- appearance
- attitude
- character
- look
- manner