attribute or credit to;
"We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare"
"People impute great cleverness to cats"
attribute (responsibility or fault) to a cause or source;
"The teacher imputed the student's failure to his nervousness"
用作動詞 (v.)
- I impute his failure to laziness.
我把他的失敗歸咎於他的懶惰。 - They imputed the accident to the driver's carelessness.
他們把事故歸咎於駕駛員的疏忽。 - Don't impute to me that you failed.
不要把失敗的責任推到我身上。 - He was innocent of the crime imputed to him.
I do not believe there..was a single reputable 'New' critic who has taken the position imputed to him.
出自: R. Wellek -
We must not impute damnation to a human soul.
出自: E. Waugh -
Lily is..not guilty of the transgression he imputes to her.
出自: C. G. Wolff
- ascribe 歸因於
- attribute 把 ... 歸於
- assign 分配
- credit 信用
- accredit 歸於
- cite 引用
- charge 責任
- accuse 譴責
- implicate 牽涉
- assert 斷言
- allege 斷言
- refer 把 ... 提交
- arrogate 冒稱
- appropriate 適當的
- associate 聯想
- arraign [律]傳訊
- criminate 使負罪
- incriminate 牽連
- denounce 譴責
- censure 責難
- indict 起訴
- revile 辱罵
- delate 控告
- impeach 歸咎
- reproach 責備
- execrate 憎惡
- blame 責備
- anathematize 正式咒詛
- damn 該死
- imprecate 詛咒
- curse 詛咒
- comminate 威脅
- abase 降低 ... 的地位...
- dishonour 不名譽
- degrade 降格
- shame 羞愧
- pervert 誤用
- disparage 蔑視
- debase 降低質量、地位或價值...
- decry 責難
- corrupt 腐敗的
- disgrace 恥辱
- belittle 輕視
- deprecate 聲明不贊成
- chalk up 記下
- devaluate 貶值
- humble 謙遜的
- defile 弄髒
- vitiate 使敗壞
- complain 抱怨
- humiliate 使 ... 蒙羞
- detract 減損
- depreciate 貶值
- discredit 敗壞…的名聲...
- challenge 挑戰
- deflate 放氣
- derogate 貶低
- mortify 使 ... 受辱
- belie 掩飾
- calumniate 中傷
- backbite 背後誹謗
- asperse 灑聖水
- falsify 偽造,篡改
- injure 傷害
- blacken (使)變黑
- smudge 污點
- libel 誹謗的文字
- tarnish 晦暗
- slander 中傷
- smear 塗抹
- insult 侮辱
- spot 地點
- traduce 誹謗
- insinuate 暗示
- soil 土地
- sully 玷污
- brand 烙印
- stigmatize 污衊
- spatter 濺
- vilify 誹謗
- vituperate 痛斥
- vilipend 輕視
- scandalize 令人憤慨
- defame 誹謗
- denigrate 詆毀
- impugn 責難
- berate 〈正式或文〉嚴厲責備...
- malign 有害的