He first, and close behind him followed she.
出自: Dryden
The skipper he stood beside the helm.
出自: Longfellow
Anne thought, 'Perhaps that's he, and we are missing him.'
出自: T. Hardy
The business man has failed in politics as he has in citizenship.
出自: L. Steffens
When Danny came home from the army he learned that he was an heir.
出自: J. Steinbeck
When someone..wants to write the story..he'll find all the material ready.
出自: W. S. Maugham
Perhaps she..fought his doubts (she was more a fighter than he).
出自: G. Greene
You and he were appointed her joint guardians.
出自: I. Murdoch
Of course he, Sir Frederick, would not stand for their bullying tactics.
出自: P. Ackroyd