- adj. 適宜的;合適的;健康的
- v. 適合;安裝
- n. 發作;適宜
- 合格的
- 健康的
- 合適的,恰當的,適合的,相稱的,適宜的,適當的
- 勝任的,有準備的
- 幾乎要...的,可能做某事
- 結實的,健壯的,非常健康的
- 性感迷人的
- (使)適合,符合,合適,適宜,與...相稱,與...一致
- 合(...)身,使合身
- (使)適應
- 安裝,安置(在某處)
- 調和
- 配合
- 使合格
- 使勝任,使準備(投考)
- 為...提供設備
- 供給
- 耕(地)
- 吻合
- 裝進
- 可容納
- 試穿(衣服)
- 合上,蓋上
- 裝置
- 組合,組裝
- 發作,突發
- 合身
- 昏厥,驚厥
- 痙攣
- 一陣緊張
- 驚風
- 適當,妥當,適合
- <古>詩歌,樂曲
- 故事
- 激發
- 一時高興
- 準備
- 衝動
- 匹配,相配
- 一陣
- 詩或歌的一段一節
- =Failure in Time,及時失效
- 適合地,恰當地,適時地
- vt. & vi. (使)適合 (cause to) be suitable for
- vt. 安裝 provide and put correctly into place
- vt. & vi. 試穿 try on for size
- 合適的,適宜的 suitable or suited for sb/sth; well adapted for sb/sth; good enough for sb/sth
- 健康的 in good health, especially because of regular physical exercise
- 恰當的,正當的,得體的 suitable and right, usually according to accepted social standards
- [S]適合的樣子,合身 way in which sth, especially a garment, fits
- [C](病)發作,昏厥,痙攣 a sudden attack of epilepsy disease with violent movements and loss of consciousness
- [S]突然爆發 sudden burst of (laughter, activity, etc.)
a display of bad temper;
"he had a fit"
"she threw a tantrum"
"he made a scene"
a sudden uncontrollable attack;
"a paroxysm of giggling"
"a fit of coughing"
"convulsions of laughter"
the manner in which something fits;
"I admired the fit of her coat"
a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason);
"a burst of applause"
"a fit of housecleaning"
meeting adequate standards for a purpose;
"a fit subject for discussion"
"it is fit and proper that you be there"
"water fit to drink"
"fit for duty"
"do as you see fit to"
(usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed;
"in no fit state to continue"
"fit to drop"
"laughing fit to burst"
"she was fit to scream"
"primed for a fight"
"we are set to go at any time"
physically and mentally sound or healthy;
"felt relaxed and fit after their holiday"
"keeps fit with diet and exercise"
be agreeable or acceptable to;
"This suits my needs"
be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired;
"This piece won't fit into the puzzle"
satisfy a condition or restriction;
"Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?"
make fit;
"fit a dress"
"He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out"
insert or adjust several objects or people;
"Can you fit the toy into the box?"
"This man can't fit himself into our work environment"
be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics;
"The two stories don't agree in many details"
"The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"
"The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"
conform to some shape or size;
"How does this shirt fit?"
provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose;
"The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities"
make correspond or harmonize;
"Match my sweater"
- I don't see fit to tell you all my plans.
我認為把所有的計劃都告訴你是不適宜的。 - The soil is fit for cotton planting.
這種土壤適宜種棉花。 - The room was a fit place for study.
這個房間適宜讀書。 - He could find a fit opportunity to divulge their marriage.
他找到一個合適的機會來宣布他們的婚姻。 - The manager gave her a blank cheque to reorganize the department in any way she thought fit.
為了能按照她認為合適的方法去整頓這一部門,經理授予她自由行動的權力。 - He is now fit enough to go back to work.
- His endowments are limited, and scarcely fit him for this post.
他的天資有限,不太適合擔任這項職務。 - A plumber is a person who fits and mends the plumbing.
管子工是安裝和修理水管的人。 - Could you fit me up with a new bulb for the headlight of my car ?
請您給我的車燈安裝一個新燈泡好嗎? - Can you fit it in the door?
- She had a fit of hysterics and called him some bad names.
她一陣歇斯底里發作,罵了他幾句。 - A fit of stubbornness came over him and he refused to have anything further to do with them.
他的牛脾氣發作了,再不肯和他們打什麼交道。 - Humidity caused me another fit of rheumatism.
濕氣使我的風濕病又發作了。 - This dress is a beautiful fit.
- fit for (v.+prep.)
適於,適合 be suitable for sth
- fit in (v.+adv.)
相處融洽,合得來 behave or feel as if belonging or suiting
fit inI don't think this is the box that this toy came in, it won't fit in.
All of us couldn't fit in there.
fit sb/sth ⇔ inThere was so much furniture in the sale room that it became impossible to fit any more in.
The room is so small that I don't think we can fit in another bed.
fit sb/sth ⇔ inMr. Sharp is seeing people all morning, but if the matter is urgent,I will see if I can fit you in.
Although I am very busy,I'll try to fit in a game of tennis at the weekend.
I am sure you can fit me in somewhere.
fit inMary joined a painting group but didn't seem to fit in, so she left.
- fit in with (v.+adv.+prep.)
適合,適應,符合,與…一致 agree with
fit in with sb/sthHis plans to take his vacation early in August fit in with mine.
New members must fit in with the rest of the committee.
His examples fitted in well with his argument.
I will change my timetable to fit in with yours.
My holiday arrangements must fit in with yours.
Your ideas fit in with mine.
fit sb/sth in with sb/sthI will try to fit my arrangements in with yours.
- fit into( v.+prep. )
適合,合乎…的時間〔空間〕,與…融為一體 take the right space or time in
fit into sthIf I gain any more weight,I won't be able to fit into my clothes.
I don't think she'll fit into the organization.
He did not fit so easily into the life in America .
The house fits into the scenery so well that you can hardly see it.
fit sth into sthI cannot fit this toy into the box, are you sure it is the right one?
Any new building must be fitted into the existing appearance of the city.
- fit on1( v.+adv. )
試穿 try clothing to see if it is the right size
- fit on2( v.+prep. )
把…安在…上 place sth exactly on sth
fit sth on sthI cannot fit the lid on this box.
Father fitted a new tyre on my bike.
Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on steam pipes.
- fit out( v.+adv. )
以…裝備,供給…以必需品 supply with necessary
fit sb/sth ⇔ outWe must fit the expedition out with the best equipment.
We must fit the boy out for school.
The ship has been newly fitted out.
The new machine has been fitted out for a trial.
- fit round( v.+prep. )
為適應而改變… change to suit sth
fit round sb/sthThe baby's hands are too small to fit round the ball.
fit sb/sth round sb/sthI don't mind fitting my timetable round yours.
- fit to( v.+prep. )
與…相配,與…相稱,相對應 match; suit
fit to sthSee if the frame fits to the door, and if it does, then finish making it.
fit sth to sthWe should fit the punishment to the crime.
See if you can fit any of these odd lids to this set of containers.
Fit the appetite to the task.
We have to fit ourselves to the requirements of our jobs.
We always fit our deeds to our words.
- fit together( v.+adv. )
組成一個整體 form a whole or unity
fit sth ⇔ togetherThe ship-wrecked sailors were able to fit a rough shelter together from building materials that they found on the island.
fit togetherThese broken pieces of plates don't fit together, they must be parts of different ones.
The movements of this piece of music somehow don't fit together.
- fit up( v.+adv. )
給(某人)硬套罪名 make sb seem guilty of a crime when in fact he is not
fit sth ⇔ upThere's room at the end of the garage to fit up a workbench.
It costs a lot of money to fit up a new office.
The royal train was fitted up with costly furniture.
The hotel has been fitted up with modern comforts and conveniences.
fit sth ⇔ upPlease fit the machine up for this afternoon's class.
New blackboards have been fitted up in all the classrooms.
fit sth ⇔ upPlease stay here, we can fit up a bed for the night.
fit sb ⇔ upI will fit you up with a bed at my house.
Your uncle should be able to fit you up with a job in his firm.
fit sb ⇔ upI didn't take the jewels, the police have fitted me up.
- fit with( v.+prep. )
給…裝配… supply with sth
fit sb/sth with sthI must ask the dentist to fit me with some new teeth.
Each drawer was fitted with a lock.
Each office is fitted with bookshelves.
- as fit as a fiddle
非常健康的,感覺良好 in very good physical condition
- fit to burst
幾乎要爆炸 as if about to explode
- fit to drop
幾乎要癱在地上的 (as if) about to fall on the ground, especially because of extreme tiredness
- see〔think〕 fit
認為干…是合適的 consider it correct, convenient or acceptable (to do sth); decide or choose
see〔think〕 fitDo as you think fit.
see〔think〕 fit to-vIn his mercy,Allah had seen fit to spare him once again.
The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter.
She thought fit to buy two expensive hats at a time.
- fit and start
一陣一陣地 in irregular bursts of activity over a period of time
- have a fit
大吃一驚,大發脾氣 suffer a fit
- fit a lock 裝鎖
- fit facts 符合事實
- fit fog lights 安裝在霧中使用的燈
- fit new seat covers 安裝新椅套
- fit the conditions 適合情況
- always fit 一向適合
- ill fit 不適合
- fit all right 完全合適
- fit best 最適於
- fit well 好關
- fit badly 關不上
- fit closely 完全適合
- fit eminently 非常符合
- fit exactly 完全地吻合
- fit ideally 完美地結合
- fit neatly 絕對地符合
- fit nicely 十分貼切
- fit perfectly 完美地結合
- fit physically 自然地符合
- fit plainly 簡陋地裝備
- fit successfully 成功地結合
- fit temperamentally 不穩定地結合
- fit uniquely 獨一無二地結合
- fit in 適合
- fit in with 適合,符合
- fit on 試穿(衣服),安上,安裝,蓋上
- fit out 供應,裝備,配備
- fit throughout 全部地符合
- fit together 配得上,配得起來,契合在一起
- fit up 供應,裝備,配備
- fit for 使…適應,使…勝任
- fit oneself for 做好…準備
- fit into 使…任命於,使…適合於
- fit round 調整得一致
- fit to 把…裝到…上,使一致,使適應
- fit with 用…裝備,給…配備,向…供應
- feel fit 感覺身體很好
- keep sb fit 使人健康
- see〔think〕 fit 認為…適當,決心,決定
- amazingly fit 好極了
- just fit 只配
- physically fit 體力〔身體〕合適
- quite fit 良好
- so fit 如此健康
- very fit 非常合適
- fit enough 足夠
- fit for 適合於
- food fit for a dog 適合狗吃的食
- fit for the standard 合乎標準
- fit to be tied 極為憤怒的,氣沖沖的
- fit to burst 笑破肚子
- fit to drop 簡直要倒下
- give sb fits 使人大吃一驚,使人極端憤怒
- have〔throw〕 a fit 大發脾氣,大為震驚
- have a fit of blues〔a blue〕 fit 情緒低落,無精打采,鬱鬱不樂
- apoplectic fit 中風
- bad fit 不合身
- beautiful〔excellent〕 fit 合身極了
- blue fit 大驚失色,震驚
- comfortable fit 舒適
- easy〔exact〕 fit 很〔正〕合身
- fainting fit 昏厥
- good fit 合身
- perfect fit 完全合身
- special fit 特製接頭
- curve fit 曲線擬合,實驗曲線的符合
- fit joint 套筒接合
- fit key 配合鍵
- fit quality 配合等級
- fit tolerance 配合公差
- by〔in〕 fits and starts 一陣一陣地,間歇地
- in a fit (of) 突發地
- beat〔knock〕 sb into fits 把某人打得落花流水,輕易地打敗某人
- burst into a fit of laughter 哈哈大笑起來
- a fit of 一陣,一時
- a fit of acute pain 一陣劇痛
- a fit of anger〔passion〕 發脾氣,一時氣憤
- a fit of coughing 一陣咳嗽
- a fit of curiosity 一陣好奇心
- a fit of energy〔enthusiasm〕 一股〔熱忱,熱心〕
- a fit of fury 勃然大怒
- a fit of house cleaning 打掃屋子時的一陣忙碌
- a fit of laughter 一陣笑聲
- a fit of weeping 一陣哭泣
This noble king..The firste night had many a mery fitte With eche of hem.
出自: Chaucer -
The..words meshed with each other like oiled millstones ground to a fine fit.
出自: J. Kosinski -
Black men..are noticeable for the..superb fit of their clothes.
出自: A. Lurie -
You must have a hollow key with a worm fit to that screw.
出自: J. Harington -
This Boldness does not fit a Stranger.
出自: N. Rowe -
What the contents of Middleton's letter were it fitted me not to inquire.
出自: H. Siddons -
How have mine eyes out of their spheres been fitted In the distraction of this madding fever!
出自:Sonnets , Shakespeare
- accord
- adapt
- adjust
- agree
- arrange
- belong
- change
- dispose
- fashion
- follow
- join
- match
- meet
- position
- suit adj.
- able
- adapted
- appropriate
- apt
- correct
- due
- ready
- right
- sound
- suitable
- well n.
- access
- attack
- burst
- fancy
- misfit
- unfit adj.
- improper
- inappropriate
- misfitted
- unfit
- unfitted
- unfitting
- unprepared
- unsuitable n.
- improperness
- impropriety
- misfit
- unfit
- unfitness
- unpreparedness
- unsuitability