- SEE可預見效益SEE forseeable benefit
- 什麼時候說「See you」才得體?When is it appropriate to say,"See you"?
- Done和seen是do和see的過去分詞。'Done' and 'seen' are the past participles of 'do' and 'see'.
- "keep"與"see"這兩個動詞的詞形變化是不規則的the verb " keep " and " see " are irregular in their inflection
- 我可以說,「Long time no see」嗎?Can I say, "Long time no see"?
- 變數文檔只能包括嵌入的HTML以及@see引用。Variable documentation can include only embedded HTML and @see references.
- 那麼為什麼我們說I am going to see a friend?Then why do we say @I am going to see a friend@?
- "keep"與"see" 這兩個動詞的詞形變化是不規則的。The verbs "keep" and "see" are irregular in their inflections.
- "keep"與"see" 這兩個動詞的詞形變化是不規則的The verb " keep " and " see " be irregular in their inflection
- 「Done」和「seen」是「do」和「see」的過去分詞。'Done' and 'seen' are the past participles of 'do' and 'see'.
- 那就應該說成I'm going to see the friend,是嗎?It should be @I'm going to see the friend@, right?
- 查閱與see配搭的其他習語見有關名詞、形容詞等的詞條For other idioms containing see,see entries for ns,adjs
- SEE菌株的擴增產物經EcoRV酶切能產生251和415bp兩個片段。After the PCR amplicons of SEE strain sere eleaved by restriction endonuclease EcoRV.electrophofretic analysis showed two 251 and 415bp DNA fragments.
- 去見在家中的或在工作處的某人可以說visit, 也可說go to see.We can visit or go to see someone at home or at work.
- 每一格式都會在生成的文檔里自動加入一個超鏈接的「See Also」(參見)條目。Each one adds a hyperlinked "See Also" entry to the generated documentation.
- 「I see」是現在時,「I saw」是過去時,「I shall see」是將來時。"I see"is present tense;"I saw"is past tense,and "I shall see"is future tense.
- 要學習更多知識,請一定閱讀在每個手冊頁的SEE ALSO節描述的其它手冊頁。To learn more, be sure to read the other man pages described in the SEE ALSO section of each man page.
- 除嵌入HTML和@see引用之外,方法還允許使用針對參數、返回值以及違例的文檔標記。As well as embedded documentation and @see references, methods allow documentation tags for parameters, return values, and exceptions.
- 所有三種類型的註釋文檔都可包含@see標記,它允許我們引用其他類里的文檔。All three types of comment documentation (class,variable,and method) can contain @see tags,which allow you to refer to the documentation in other classes.
- 隨同嵌入HTML和@see引用,類文檔還可以包括用於版本信息以及作者姓名的標記。Along with embedded HTML and @see references, class documentation can include tags for version information and the author's name.