- n. 灰塵;塵土;粉塵
- vt. 去掉 ... 的灰塵;撒粉末於
- vi. 除塵
- 粉末
- 灰塵,塵土,塵埃,土,塵
- 遺骸,屍體
- 垃圾,廢品
- 金粉
- <英>灰燼
- 屈辱
- 一文不值的東西
- 花粉
- 粉劑
- 人體,人
- 地面
- 使布滿灰塵,把...弄得滿是灰塵,揚起灰塵
- 噴撒農藥
- 撣掉灰塵,撣(灰),拂去灰塵
- 打掃(灰塵) ,掃除灰塵
- 變得灰撲撲
- 用沙土洗澡,用塵土洗澡,浴於塵土中
- 在...上撒粉,把(粉末)撒於
- 使成為灰塵
- 擦去,刷去,撣去,掃去
- 撒(粉),用粉末撒
- 弄成粉末
- 拂,撣,撢
- 殺死某人(黑社會用語)
- 離開,起程
- [U]灰塵,塵土,塵埃 fine dry powder consisting of particles of earth, dirt, etc.
- [U]遺骸 remains of a dead person
- vt. & vi. 拂(一拂),撣(一撣) clear of dust by wiping, clear furniture, etc. of dust
- vt. 撒(粉)於 cover with dust or fine powder
fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in the air;
"the furniture was covered with dust"
the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up
free microscopic particles of solid material;
"astronomers say that the empty space between planets actually contains measurable amounts of dust"
remove the dust from;
"dust the cabinets"
rub the dust over a surface so as to blur the outlines of a shape;
"The artist dusted the charcoal drawing down to a faint image"
cover with a light dusting of a substance;
"dust the bread with flour"
distribute loosely;
"He scattered gun powder under the wagon"
- The mirror is covered with a film of dust.
鏡子蒙上了一層灰塵。 - A thick layer of dust lay on the furniture.
傢具上覆蓋著一層厚厚的灰塵。 - The truck left clouds of dust in its wake.
車后揚起了一陣塵土。 - She knocks the dust out of her coat.
她打掉外套上的塵土。 - The amount of the industrial dust is rather large.
- I used a piece of rag to dust the wooden furniture.
我用一塊抹布擦拭木製傢具上的灰塵。 - Mum dusted the pan with flour.
- It's dusty so we have to dust every day.
- bite the dust
被打敗,被拒絕 be defeated or rejected
- kick up〔raise〕 a dust
引起騷亂 make a dust
- like gold dust
極其罕見 extremely rare
- not see sb for dust
跑得連影子也看不到 be unable to see sb because he〔she〕 has left in a hurry
- shake the dust off one's feet
離開厭惡之處,但願不再返回 leave a place one does not like, hoping not to return
- throw dust in sb's eyes
迷惑某人,蒙蔽某人 prevent sb from seeing the truth by misleading him
- when the dust has settled
煙消雲散,疑雲散盡,愁雲散盡 when the present uncertainty, unpleasantness, etc. is over
- dust down (v.+adv.)
把灰塵撣掉(或刷掉) make dust off
dust oneself/sth ⇔ downDust yourself down.
She stood up and dusted herself down.
They dusted down the whole house before they started decorating.
- dust off (v.+adv.)
迅速離開 leave rapidly
dust sb/sth ⇔ offDust yourself off.
dust sth ⇔ offFour years after he graduated from school,Tom decided to dust off his algebra books.
dust offShe dusted off faster than a wind.
- collect dust 積累灰塵
- drive the dust 消除灰塵
- gather dust 積累灰塵
- kick up a dust 揚起灰塵
- make a dust 揚起灰塵
- raise dust 揚起塵埃,引起騷動
- remove dust 除去灰塵
- sweep up dust 掃除灰塵
- bite the dust 戰死,負傷,失敗
- eat dust 含垢忍辱
- kiss the dust 被制服,被殺死,卑躬屈膝
- lie in the dust 成為廢墟,戰死
- make the dust fly 幹得賣力,動得迅速
- throw dust in sb's eyes 蒙蔽某人,迷惑某人
- fine dust 細末
- thick dust 厚厚的塵土
- from dust to dust 從生到死,人生一世
- a cloud of dust 一片塵霧
- dust a cap 撣一撣帽子
- dust a room 打掃房間
- dust animatedly 用力地撣
- dust carefully 小心翼翼地撣
- dust furiously 生氣地撣
- dust industriously 勤撣
- dust lightly 輕輕地撣
- dust listlessly 無力地撣
- dust vigorously 有力地撣
- dust the snow from one's overcoat 撣掉大衣上的雪花
- dust fertilizer on plants 給植物施粉末狀肥料
- dust sugar over a cake 在糕餅上撒糖
- dust the plants with insecticide 在作物上撒上殺蟲藥
- dust a cake with sugar 在糕餅上撒糖
There wasn't one chip, one scratch, one speck of dust anywhere.
出自: J. Braine -
The peppering of red road dust on the old man's hat.
出自: E. Welty -
Drought had..dried the soil to a fine grey dust, that now rose up on every wind.
出自: U. Le Guin -
We go out..and dust our feet along its thoroughfares.
出自: J. A. Froude
- powder 粉末
- clean 乾淨的
- sprinkle 灑
- wipe 擦
- dirt 污垢
- scatter 散播
- clean up 收拾乾淨
- wipe down 徹底擦
- wipe up 擦凈
- cover 封面
- sift 篩下
- dredge 用挖泥機疏浚...
- sand 沙
- earth 地球
- soil 土地
- filth 污穢
- grime 污垢
- flour 麵粉
- feather 羽毛
- corpse 屍體
- off 表示狀態的關閉或離開...
- wipe off 擦掉(除去
- fine powder 細粉
- fine 好的
- detritus 碎石
- rubble 瓦礫
- debris 碎片
- disperse 分散
- junk 垃圾
- dot 少量
- scrub 用力擦洗
- sweep 打掃
- mop 拖把
- clear 清楚的