- vt. 落下;跌倒;下降;放棄;漏掉;斷絕關係
- n. 滴;微量;減少;滴狀物
- 滴,滴狀物
- 滴劑
- 微量,少量,一點點
- 落差
- 空投
- 下降,下跌
- 水果糖,糖球,球狀糖果
- 點滴
- 落下
- 下落的距離
- <美>投信口
- 丟放東西之處
- 空投物品
- 空投的人
- (使)落下,(使)滴下,(使)降落,滴落,掉下,降下
- 變弱
- 降低,下降
- 停止,終止
- 遺漏
- 省略
- 倒下
- 丟棄, 放棄
- 中斷
- 無意中說出
- 訪問
- 落後
- 出生
- 累倒,累垮
- 垂下(眼睛),垂視
- 急劇傾斜而下
- 中途卸客,中途卸貨
- 寄(信),送(信)
- 丟下,扔下,投下
- <口>下,卸(貨)
- 將...除名
- <口>輸
- <俚>吞服
- 產(仔)
- 減少,減弱
- 跌落
- vt. & vi. (使)落下,投下 fall, descend from one line or level to another
- vt. & vi. (使)降低,減少,減弱 become fewer or fewer
- vt. 放棄,斷絕交往 stop seeing, talking about using or practising, give up
- vt. 漏掉,丟掉 leave out
- vt. 讓人下車,卸下貨物 allow sb to get out of a vehicle
- [C]滴,滴劑,滴狀物 very small quantity of liquid usually round or pear-shaped
- [S]微量,一點 very small quantity
- [S]降落,下跌 movement from a higher to a lower level
- [S]落差 a distance or fall straight down
- [C]空投,空投物 sth that is dropped
a shape that is spherical and small;
"he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops"
"beads of sweat on his forehead"
a small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid);
"he had a drop too much to drink"
"a drop of each sample was analyzed"
"there is not a drop of pity in that man"
"years afterward, they would pay the blood-money, driblet by driblet"
a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity;
"a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index"
"there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery"
"a dip in prices"
"when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall"
a steep high face of rock;
"he stood on a high cliff overlooking the town"
"a steep drop"
a predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property)
a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity;
"it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height"
a curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies; often used as background scenery
a central depository where things can be left or picked up
the act of dropping something;
"they expected the drop would be successful"
let fall to the ground;
"Don't drop the dishes"
to fall vertically;
"the bombs are dropping on enemy targets"
go down in value;
"Stock prices dropped"
fall or descend to a lower place or level;
"He sank to his knees"
terminate an association with;
"drop him from the Republican ticket"
utter with seeming casualness;
"drop a hint"
stop pursuing or acting;
"drop a lawsuit"
"knock it off!"
leave or unload;
"unload the cargo"
"drop off the passengers at the hotel"
cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow;
"strike down a tree"
"Lightning struck down the hikers"
lose (a game);
"The Giants dropped 11 of their first 13"
pay out;
"spend money"
lower the pitch of (musical notes)
hang freely;
"the ornaments dangled from the tree"
"The light dropped from the ceiling"
stop associating with;
"They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock"
let or cause to fall in drops;
"dribble oil into the mixture"
get rid of;
"he shed his image as a pushy boss"
"shed your clothes"
take (a drug, especially LSD), by mouth;
"She dropped acid when she was a teenager"
omit (a letter or syllable) in speaking or writing;
" New Englanders drop their post-vocalic r's"
leave undone or leave out;
"How could I miss that typo?"
"The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten"
change from one level to another;
"She dropped into army jargon"
fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death;
"shop til you drop"
grow worse;
"Her condition deteriorated"
"Conditions in the slums degenerated"
"The discussion devolved into a shouting match"
give birth; used for animals;
"The cow dropped her calf this morning"
- She dropped to safety from the burning building.
她從失火的建築物上墜落到安全的地方. - He dropped off from his bike.
他從自行車上跌下來。 - In the winter the temperature often drops below freezing.
冬天的時候,溫度往往會降到冰點以下。 - I decided to drop chemistry and take biology instead.
我決定放棄化學,改學生物。 - You have dropped an "f" in your spelling of the word "different".
你拼寫「different」這個詞的時候漏掉了一個「f」。 - Will you drop your old friends if you accomplish both success and fame?
- Unconsciously, a drop of tear drips on his lips.
不知不覺,一滴淚水滴在他唇上。 - I'll have a wee drop of cream in my coffee.
我要在咖啡里放一丁點兒奶油。 - As the course becomes more difficult, there's usually a corresponding drop of the number of students.
隨著課程逐漸變難,上課的學生人數也相應減少了。 - Life is but a dewdrop on the lotus leaf.
- drop across1 (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉串門 come across to visit
drop acrossDrop across and have coffee sometime.
- drop across2 (v.+prep.)
偶遇 find (sth) or meet (sb) by chance
drop across sbI dropped across Little Tom yesterday.
I dropped across her in Shanghai last month.
- drop away (v.+adv.)
減少,下降 become less
- drop back (v.+adv.)
落在後面 fail to maintain speed and be left behind
drop back to sthThe hook which he had thrown did not catch on the rocks, and dropped back to the ground.
drop back to sthHe has dropped back to the fifth in his class.
drop backProduction has dropped back.
The unemployment figures dropped back last month.
The American runner had decided to drop back and let somebody else take the lead.
drop sth ⇔ backShe dropped the letter back in the drawer.
drop backThe car that had been in the second position dropped back with engine trouble.
- drop behind1 (v.+adv.)
落後 fall in disadvantage
drop behindOur team dropped behind in the league matches when a third of the players went on holiday.
- drop behind2 (v.+prep.)
落後於 fall in disadvantage of
drop behind sb/sthIn terms of annual production, the country has dropped behind the rest of Europe.
She dropped behind the other students.
The young couple dropped behind the rest of the party.
The old man dropped behind the rest.
- drop by (v.+adv.)
順便來訪 visit informally
drop byWe were just going out when Uncle Sam dropped by.
I don't think he just dropped by.He came on purpose.
Drop by any time when you're in town.
Next time you come to town, please drop by to see me.
Drop by one evening.
drop sth ⇔ byOn her way back, she dropped by her brother's house.
We dropped by the club to see if Bill was there, but he wasn't.
- drop down (v.+adv.)
突然鬆開 release suddenly, intensive of drop
drop downThe fruit has begun to drop down.
The monkeys dropped down from the trees.
After the crash, onlookers said that the plane had suddenly dropped down out of the sky.
She dropped down into an armchair, exhausted.
drop sth ⇔ downShe dropped the bag down and he caught it.
- drop in (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉願意參加,願意接受 like to fall in some activities
drop inLook who's just dropping in!
They often drop in for coffee.
Drop in to see us any time if you're in town.
Do drop in if you happen to be passing!
They often drop in for tea.
drop in on sbThe Smiths dropped in on some old friends on their vacation trip to New York.
drop sth ⇔ inWhile they're playing scene two in front of the curtain, we can drop in the scenery for the next act.
drop in on sb/sthThe roof of the cave dropped in on the miners, trapping them.
drop sth ⇔ inHe stopped at the mail-box and dropped the letter in.
When the library is closed, you can drop books in through the special hole in the door.
drop inThe organization has asked the city council for more money for the drug treatment centre, where so many young people are dropping in.
- drop into (v.+prep.)
順便去某地,跳入 go to a place casually
drop into sthI often drop into the store for some daily necessities.
He dropped into the garden.
drop sth into sthShe dropped some lemon juice into her tea.
He dropped the letter into the pillar box.
- drop off (v.+adv.)
減少 become less
drop offThe handle of the door has dropped off.
drop offThe film was so boring that Helen kept dropping off.
Jimmy was thinking of his birthday party as he dropped off to sleep.
Drink this and you'll soon drop off.
drop sb/sth ⇔ offI can drop you off on my way home.
We can drop you off at your place on our way home.
I wonder if you could drop me off at the bank?
Can you drop off my coat at the dry cleaner's on your way?
He said he would drop the parcel off at the post office.
drop offInterest in the book has dropped off.
Business picked up in the stores during December, but dropped off again after Christmas.
The audiences for films have dropped off.
His friends dropped off one by one.
The doctor's practice has dropped off.
- drop on (v.+prep.)
挑中,選中 pick upon; come down upon
- drop out (v.+adv.)
掉出 fall out
drop outMy brother dropped out at the end of the second year of his junior middle school.
Tony dropped out after the club's new manager arrived.
Three of the runners dropped out.
drop out of sthThey dropped out of the team.
She has dropped out of college.
drop outThe window was open, and the pot just dropped out.
drop out of sthThe teapot dropped out of her hand.
- drop over (v.+adv.)
順便拜訪 visit unexpectedly and informally
drop overDrop over and see me sometime.
- drop round (v.+adv.)
順便訪問 pay a short casual visit
drop roundCan I drop round to see you later?
- drop through (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉毫無結果,落空,失敗 come to nothing, be no longer discussed
drop throughThe plan dropped through when it proved too costly.
That matter will drop through.
- let drop (v.+v.)
暗示 hint
let drop sthI didn't let drop a word to him about my plan.
He let drop the suggestion that we should meet him in town.
let drop that-clauseQuite unexpectedly Paul let drop that he was thinking of retiring in China.
- a drop in the bucket
滄海一粟,杯水車薪 a quantity too small to make any improvement
- a drop to
通向…的陡坡 a steep slope to
- at the drop of a hat
毫不遲疑地,一有機會就 without delay, hesitation or good expect
- get the drop on
對…先發制人 act faster than another
- have〔take〕 a drop too much (of)
多喝了一杯(酒) drink too much
- in drops
一滴一滴地 very small quantity of
- drop a bunch of … 掉下〔摘下〕
- drop a course 退修一門課程
- drop a letter from a word 單詞中漏掉一個字母
- drop a line 垂釣
- drop a lot of money at a race 在競賽中輸了不少錢
- drop a purse 丟失錢包
- drop a stitch 使(編織)跳了一針
- drop a subject 放棄一個科目
- drop anchor 拋錨
- drop coin 投硬幣
- drop idea 打消想法
- drop line 寫信
- drop one's eyes 低頭看
- drop one's name 不再談自己的名字
- drop one's name from the list 名單中丟掉了某人的名字
- drop one's opponent in the first round 第一輪迴合把對手擊倒
- drop one's package 丟失包裹
- drop one's umbrella 把雨傘掉了
- drop one's voice 放低聲音
- drop plan 放棄計劃
- drop sb a hint 給某人以暗示
- drop sb a postcard 寄給某人一張明信片
- drop sb a short note 寄給某人一封簡訊
- drop sb a valuable suggestion 給某人提出一個有價值的建議
- drop sb a word〔remarks〕 給某人捎個話
- drop shells into a town 向城內射炮彈
- drop the baby 使小孩跌下
- drop the bad habit 改掉壞毛病
- drop the ball through the basket 投籃命中
- drop the discussion 放棄討論
- drop the letter into the pillar box 把信投入信箱
- drop the matter 不再談這事
- drop the project 放棄這工程
- drop the supplies from the plane 從飛機上投下供給品
- drop the teapot 掉了茶壺
- drop water into a glass 滴水於杯中
- drop astern 落在(他船)後面
- drop downstream 順流而下
- drop accidentally 意外落下
- drop alarmingly 令人驚恐地落〔降下〕
- drop badly 大大地落下
- drop carelessly 粗心地掉下
- drop gently 輕輕地落下,緩緩地落下
- drop heavily 重重地掉下
- drop lazily 懶洋洋地,放棄
- drop listlessly 無精打采地低下(頭)
- drop methodically 井井有條地降落
- drop miraculously 奇迹般地降落
- drop mournfully 令人沮喪地低下了(頭),令人沮喪的放棄
- drop overnight 夜間降下來
- drop perpendicularly 垂直下落
- drop quietly 悄悄地落下
- drop recently 最近下落
- drop sharply 急速地下落
- drop significantly 降落〔放棄,擊落〕…是有意義的
- drop slightly 有些下降
- drop slowly 緩慢地降落
- drop substantially 實實在在地落下
- drop suddenly 突然下落
- drop swiftly 迅速下落
- drop tearfully 可怕地掉下
- drop away 一滴一滴地漏掉,陸陸續續離開,散去
- drop back 後退,後撤,恢復
- drop back into the old habit 恢復舊習慣
- drop behind 後退,後撤,恢復
- drop by 順便走訪,偶然拜訪
- drop down 扔下,卧倒
- drop in 順便走訪,偶然拜訪
- drop in any time 隨時串門
- drop off 一滴一滴地漏掉,陸陸續續離開,散去,衰落,減少,下降,掉下,脫落,睡著
- drop out 棄權,放棄,取消,不參加,從…中掉出,脫離
- drop out from school 中途停學
- drop out of 從…退出,從…消失
- drop out of hand 從手裡落下
- drop out of school 退學
- drop out of sight 從視線內消失
- drop over 順便走訪,偶然拜訪
- drop round 順便走訪,偶然拜訪
- drop through 崩潰,失敗
- drop across 偶然遇到,訓斥,懲罰
- drop sb at... 讓某人在…下車
- drop behind others 落在別人後面
- drop behind the other runners 落在其他跑步者的後面
- drop from a race 退出比賽
- drop from heaven 從天上掉下來
- drop from the list 從名單上除去
- drop from tree 從樹上掉下來
- drop into (使)落入,投入,偶然進去,順便進入,不知不覺地養成(某習慣),訓斥
- drop into sleep 不知不覺地睡著
- drop into the water 落入水中
- drop on the floor 掉在地上
- drop on the ground 撂〔拋〕在地上
- drop on〔to〕 one's knees 跪下
- drop to 落到,減少到,降低到
- drop to the floor 落在地板上
- drop to the ground 卧倒在地上
- drop to the lowest point 降到最低點
- drop through 投〔命〕中
- drop with a blow 一拳(把某人)打倒
- drop with fatigue 累得快要倒下
- absorb a drop 吸收水珠
- add drops 加上幾滴水
- add a drop of sth to... 給…加上一點滴劑
- administer drop 用藥水
- dispense a drop 酒藥水
- distil in drops 滴下水珠,滲出水珠
- draw off drop 放掉水珠
- drink a drop 喝點酒
- dry drops 把水珠弄乾
- exude a drop 滲出水珠
- fall in drops 一滴一滴地落下
- form a drop 形成一個水珠〔滴〕
- give off drops 排出水滴,分離出水滴
- have a drop in one's eye 略帶醉意
- have a drop of pity 有一點憐憫之心
- instill drops 滴下水滴
- leak in large drops 滲出大水珠
- mix with drops 用水滴和〔配製〕
- moisten with drop 用水滴潤濕
- prepare a drop 準備一點酒〔一滴藥水、一塊糖〕
- put drops in one's eyes 將眼藥水滴入眼內
- save a drop 節省每一滴水
- shed a drop 流下一滴
- shower drops 傾注
- spill a drop 流下一滴
- squeeze a drop 榨出一滴水
- sweat large drops 冒出豆粒大的汗珠
- take a drop 喝點酒
- take one's drops 狂飲
- take ten drops 喝十滴葯
- welcome a drop in prices 歡迎物價下降
- wipe away drops 擦掉水滴
- wear crystal drops on one's ears 戴水晶耳墜
- decided drop 明顯的下降
- mere drop 僅一滴
- sharp drop 急劇下降
- sudden drop 突然下降
- acid drop 酸味糖果
- beady drop 多泡的酒
- bitter drop 苦酒
- blistering drop 起的水泡
- burning drop 燃燒著的落物
- continuous drop 鄰近降落
- concealed drop 凍結的水珠
- cough drop 止咳糖
- falling drop 落下的水珠
- foolish drop 愚蠢的下跌
- fresh drop 新鮮的酒,新近的跌價
- glittering drop 閃光的水珠
- great drops 大滴
- insolent drop 無禮的降落
- large drops 大滴
- minute drop 小滴
- mournful drop 令人惋惜的下跌
- needle-like drop 似針狀的落下
- pearly drop 珍珠般的滴狀物
- priceless drop 寶貴耳墜
- ruddy drop 紅色的滴劑
- small drops 小滴
- the last drop 最後一滴
- birth rate drop 出生率的下降
- coughing drop 咳嗽糖
- dew drops 露球
- ear drops 滴耳藥水
- eye drops 眼藥水
- friction drop 摩擦壓力下降
- fruit drops 水果糖
- gravity drop 受重力作用而下降
- injection drop 噴嘴下降
- lemon drops 檸檬糖果
- mail drop 郵筒
- nose drops 滴鼻劑
- pressure drop (壓)力差,壓力下降
- temperature drop 溫差
- drop arch 垂拱
- drop arm 轉向(垂)臂
- drop bar 接地棒
- drop bottom 活底
- drop cloth 罩布
- drop curtain 舞台前的垂幕
- drop door 爐門,升降門
- drop lamp 上下移動的吊燈
- drop light 上下滑動的吊燈
- drop point 點滴,下降點
- drop scene 景幕
- drop window 窗門可以滑進窗框下空間的窗戶
- at the drop of a hat 一有機會就,動不動就,馬上
- fall in drops 滴落
- roll off in great drops 大滴大滴滾下來
- empty to the last drop 喝凈
- fight to the last drop 血戰到底
- with the drop in production 由於生產下降
- drop by drop 一滴一滴地,一點一點地
- a drop from sth … 中的…滴
- a drop in the bucket 滄海一粟
- a drop of kindness 一絲仁慈
- a drop of water 一滴水
- a sharp drop to (the lake) 向(湖邊)斜下去的陡坡
On his..Ears..Sweat in clammy Drops appears.
出自: Dryden -
They would be faithful to him to the last drop.
出自: Defoe -
A faint trickle of water..fell down drop by drop into the ditch.
出自: J. C. Powys -
The moisture from the mist collected on my hair, and two drops rolled over..my cheek.
出自: R. Hughes -
Sweat dropped from his brow.
出自:Oxford English Dictionary