[U][S](釣魚等用的)餌,誘餌 food or imitation of food,put on a hook or in a net,trap,etc.to catch fish,birds,or animals
[U][S]用作誘餌的人或物 a person who is used for attracting and catching sb else, especially a criminal; sth that is offered in order to persuade sb to do sth or buy sth
v. (動詞)
vt. 裝餌於 put bait on (a hook,etc.)
vt. 故意激怒 annoy in order to make angry
anything that serves as an enticement
something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
harass with persistent criticism or carping;
"The children teased the new teacher"
"Don't ride me so hard over my failure"
"His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie"
lure, entice, or entrap with bait
attack with dogs or set dogs upon
用作名詞 (n.)
The fish snapped at the bait. 那魚一下子咬住了魚餌。
Earth worms are often used as bait. 蚯蚓常用作魚餌。
The steaming cake was a bait for the hungry boy. 那熱氣騰騰的蛋糕對這個飢餓的男孩是個誘惑。
As soon as I mentioned money he rose to the bait, and became really interested. 我一提錢他便怦然心動,上了我的鉤。