



  • - (稍停; 停頓) pause; halt; stop:

    After a short pause, he went on. 他頓了一下,又接著往下說。

    - (書法上指用力使筆著紙而暫不移動) (in Chinese calligraphy) pause in writing in order to reinforce the beginning or ending of a stroke:

    make a pause for breath in writing 頓筆

    - (頭叩地) touch the ground (with one's head)
    - (腳跺地) stamp (one's foot):

    stamp one's foot 頓腳

    - (處理; 安置) arrange; settle:

    arrange for; help settle down 安頓

  • - (疲乏) fatigued; tired:

    tired out; exhausted 勞頓

  • - (立刻; 忽然) suddenly; immediately:

    suddenly realize the truth, etc. attain enlightenment; 頓悟

    be suddenly enlightened 茅塞頓開

  • - (用於吃飯、斥責、勸說、打罵等行為的次數):

    get a scolding; 挨了一頓罵

    give him a dressing-down; 說了他一頓

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Dun Qi 頓琦

  • - (人名用字) a word used in a person's name:

    Modu 冒頓



  1. 他說完話,接著是一段意味深長的停頓。
    His words were followed by a pregnant pause.
  2. 那頓飯簡直好極了。
    That meal was simply divine!
  3. 這頓飯我請客,你把錢收起來吧。
    This meal is my treat, so put your money away.
  4. 我們吃了一頓麵包加乳酪的家常便餐。
    We had a homely meal of bread and cheese.
  5. 我媽媽通常在晚上煮一頓熱飯。
    My mother usually cooks a hot meal in the evening.
  6. 我一整天圍著火熱的爐子辛辛苦苦地做出這頓飯,可是他們現在幾乎一點兒也沒有吃。
    I slaved away all day over a hot stove to produce this meal, and now they've hardly eaten any of it.
  7. 這位畫家不得不把表當掉買頓飯吃。
    The painter had to pawn his watch to pay for a meal.
  8. 吃了一頓好飯,他的脾氣變得好多了。
    A good meal sweetened his temper.


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