- v. 回答;答复;接电话
- n. 答案;回答;答复
- 符合,与...相符, 合乎,适用
- 答,回答,回答说,答复,解答
- 答辩
- 保证
- 接(电话)
- 应(门)
- 答应
- 辩解,为自己辩护
- 抵偿
- 一致
- 比得上,相配
- 顶嘴,回嘴
- 适应
- 负责
- 满足
- 回应,响应
- 回敬,报复
- 产生作用或效果
- 答案
- 回答,答复,复信,回音
- 解决办法
- 反应
- 对等的人,对应物
- 答辩,抗辩
- 解答
- 报复,回击
- 口信
- 足以媲美的人,堪称相当的事物
- vt. & vi. 回答,答复; 解答; 答辩 speak or write words in return to a question
- vt. 回信,应答,响应 act in return to a letter, bell, call, signal, etc.
- vt. & vi. 符合,适应,满足 be suitable or satisfactory
- vi. 成功,奏效 succeed; be effective
- [C]回答; 回音 words spoken or written in return
- [C]答案 solution to a problem
- [U]反应 gesture or act done in return
a statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation;
"I waited several days for his answer"
"he wrote replies to several of his critics"
a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem;
"they were trying to find a peaceful solution"
"the answers were in the back of the book"
"he computed the result to four decimal places"
the speech act of replying to a question
the principal pleading by the defendant in response to plaintiff's complaint; in criminal law it consists of the defendant's plea of `guilty' or `not guilty' (or nolo contendere); in civil law it must contain denials of all allegations in the plaintiff's complaint that the defendant hopes to controvert and it can contain affirmative defenses or counterclaims
a nonverbal reaction;
"his answer to any problem was to get drunk"
"their answer was to sue me"
react verbally;
"She didn't want to answer"
"answer the question"
"We answered that we would accept the invitation"
respond to a signal;
"answer the door"
"answer the telephone"
give the correct answer or solution to;
"answer a question"
"answer the riddle"
understand the meaning of;
"The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered"
give a defence or refutation of (a charge) or in (an argument);
"The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution"
be liable or accountable;
"She must answer for her actions"
be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity;
"A few words would answer"
"This car suits my purpose well"
"Will $100 do?"
"A 'B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school"
"Nothing else will serve"
match or correspond;
"The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave"
be satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of;
"This may answer her needs"
react to a stimulus or command;
"The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch"
- The question is simple enough to answer.
这个问题很简单,容易回答。 - she fell into a rage and refused to answer.
他勃然大怒,拒不回答。 - He answered that he knew nothing about it.
他答复说关于此事他一无所知。 - He has a large amount of mail to answer every day.
他每天有大量的信件要回复。 - I have to type letters and answer the phone.
- Do you know the answer to this question?
你知道这道题的答案吗? - If you think carefully, you will find the answer.
仔细考虑一下,你就会找到答案。 - He knocked at the door but there was no answer.
他敲了门,但是没有人回答。 - You'd better talk it over with your wife and give me your answer tomorrow.
- answer back (v.+adv.)
为自己辩护 argue for oneself, speak up for oneself
answer backDon't answer back like that.
Don't answer back; it's not polite.
When they scolded him, he would answer back.
It's bad manners to answer back when the teacher criticizes you.
Answer back once more and you'll go straight to bed!
In his youth he lost several jobs, just because he dared to answer back.
In certain conditions, answering back sarcastically is necessary.
I didn't mean to answer back,I merely meant to say that you had been misinformed.
answer back to sthThe child would answer back to all she said.
answer sb ⇔ backDon't answer your mother back, it is not polite.
Don't answer me back, or I'll put you on a charge.
The worker may be sacked, if he answers his master back.
answer backHe tried to answer back whenever he was criticized.
Peter was angry that people could attack his temper when he could not answer back.
If you criticize a person, it's only fair to give him a chance to answer back.
answer sb ⇔ backIt is unfair to attack a person in the newspaper when he can't answer you back.
- answer for( v.+prep. )
许诺,答应(别人) promise, agree others
answer for sb/sthI will answer for him.
You must answer for her.
I can't answer for her safety.
I cannot answer for the consequences.
A father must answer for his child's acts.
Be more careful, you'll have to answer for any possible damage.
If you go on doing this, we won't answer for the consequence.
I'll answer for what he does as he is under my supervision.
He said that he was ready to answer for those who worked under his direction.
The captain has to answer for the discipline of his company.
One day you'll have to answer for what you've done.
You'll have to answer for your carelessness.
You will have to answer for your wrong doings one day.
Don't eat too much fat, or you'll have to answer for it some day.
The aggressors will have to answer for their crimes.
I can't answer for the truth of the statement.
I think most of the faculty members will come, but I can't answer for Professor Liu who hasn't been feeling well recently.
All these things are to be answered for.
answer for it that-clauseI'll answer for it that this man is honest.
Can you answer for it that it is a genuine pearl?
I'll answer for it that the book will be returned on time.
I will answer for it that he will complete the task.
I can answer for it that Dr. Wang will be able to cure you.
I will answer for it that they will go to all lengths.
answer sb for sthYou will have to answer me for your conduct.
answer for sthThis tool will answer for our needs.
answer for sthThis box will answer for a chair.
This will answer for a chisel.
On a picnic, a newspaper answered for tablecloth.
That night the table answered for a bed for us both.
This fax machine isn't a good one, but it will answer for the purpose.
answer for sthAre all the seats answered for?
- answer to( v.+prep. )
应答; (对…)有反应 behave as if knowing (a name); be called by (a name); react with sth
answer to sthThat answers precisely to our needs.
These reference books will answer to our needs.
This one will answer to my purpose,I think.
Does the result answer to your expectations?
This does not answer to the description given.
I've picked up a pen, but it doesn't answer to the description you gave.
This car exactly answers to the description of the stolen car.
He answers to the description of the boy they are looking for.
He doesn't answer to the description of the missing man that appeared in the newspaper.
He answers to the description given by the police, so he must be the criminal.
His deeds don't answer to his speech.
answer to sb (for sth)You'll have to answer to me if anything harmful comes to this child.
I'll answer to your mother for your safety.
You will answer to the committee for your conduct of the affair.
One day you will have to answer to the authorities concerned for this neglect of duty.
answer to sthHe called for help but nobody answered to his call.
The children answered to their father's call by running home.
The steering wheel answers to the slightest touch.
The boat seemed very slow to answer to any movement of the helm.
That bike answers readily to the slightest movement of the handle bars.
The horse answered to its rider's touch.
The horse answered to the slightest pull on the rein.
The patient began to answer to the medical treatment.
The illness doesn't answer to medical treatment.
The experiment has met with a result that does not answer to expectations.
- answer up ( v.+adv. )
直言不讳地回答,照直回答 reply clearly
- answer with( v.+prep. )
以…作出回应respond with
answer with sb/sthIn ideological work, we must learn to open different locks with different keys because a method that answers with one person may not answer with another.
answer sb/sth with sthThe crowd answered him with prolonged applause.
- answer to
(与…)相适应,符合 fit (with sb/sth); accord with
- in answer to
回答,应答; 响应 reply in form of action
- answer a query 回答质问
- answer a question 回答问题
- answer a riddle 解谜底
- answer a speech 致答词
- answer an accusation 对谴责作详细的答辩
- answer examination paper 答卷
- answer examination questions 回答考题
- answer nothing 不作回答
- answer sb's request 答复某人的要求
- answer the problem 解决问题
- answer the reporter's question 回答记者的问题
- answer the teacher 回答老师的提问
- answer a letter 回信
- answer alarm 对警报作出反应
- answer an advertisement 应聘
- answer the bell 开门,应门
- answer the call 应召,响应号召
- answer the door 开门,应门
- answer the phone 接电话
- answer the provocations of sb 还击某人的挑衅
- answer the telephone 接电话
- answer a description of 与…描述相符
- answer all common emergencies 符合日常的急救
- answer blows with blows 以牙还牙
- answer claims 符合要求
- answer sb's expectations 符合某人的期望
- answer sb's hopes 符合某人的希望
- answer sb's needs 适应某人需要
- answer sb's purposes 符合某人的目的
- answer sb's words 与某人所言相符
- answer the demand 符合要求
- answer the job 适应工作的要求
- answer the prayer 满足了祈祷者的愿望
- answer the requirements of 适应…的需要
- answer now 即刻回答
- answer off-hand 即席回答
- answer right now 马上回答
- answer very well 很好地回答
- answer wrong 答错
- answer absolutely 坚决地回答
- answer accurately 准确地回答
- answer admirably 极为成功地回答
- answer affectionately 深情地回答
- answer affirmatively 肯定地回答
- answer aptly 恰当地回答
- answer bewilderedly 令人手足无措地回答
- answer bitterly 痛苦地回答
- answer bluntly 率直地回答
- answer bravely 勇敢地回答
- answer breathlessly 喘不过气地回答
- answer briefly 简略地回答
- answer carelessly 粗心地回答
- answer casually 漫不经心地回答
- answer challengingly 具有挑战性地回答
- answer coldly 冷淡地回答
- answer completely 圆满地回答
- answer comprehensively 全面地回答
- answer confusedly 混乱地回答
- answer correctly 正确地回答
- answer courteously 有礼貌地回答
- answer curtly 草率无礼地回答
- answer darkly 无知地回答
- answer definitely 明确地回答
- answer deftly 巧妙地回答
- answer directly 直接地回答
- answer doggedly 教条地回答
- answer economically 节省地回答
- answer effectively 给人印象深刻地回答
- answer emphatically 有力地回答
- answer energetically 精力旺盛地回答
- answer excitedly 激动地回答
- answer explicitly 清楚地回答
- answer faithfully 忠实地回答
- answer falteringly 支吾地回答
- answer fantastically 荒谬地回答
- answer firmly 坚决地回答
- answer fitly 适度地回答
- answer frankly 坦率地回答
- answer fully 充分地回答
- answer glibly 油嘴滑舌地回答
- answer gravely 严肃地回答
- answer guardedly 谨慎地回答
- answer hastily 草率地回答
- answer hoarsely 沙哑地回答
- answer hotly 激烈地回答
- answer hysterically 歇斯底里地回答
- answer immediately 立即回答
- answer impolitely 毫无礼貌地回答
- answer indignantly 愤慨地回答
- answer knowingly 老练地回答
- answer laughingly 笑着回答
- answer listlessly 焦躁地回答
- answer mechanically 机械地回答
- answer mildly 温和地回答
- answer nervously 不安地回答
- answer orally 口头回答
- answer passionately 热情地回答
- answer perfectly 完善地回答
- answer persistently 固执地回答
- answer philosophically 镇静地回答
- answer pointedly 中肯地回答
- answer politely 有礼貌地回答
- answer promptly 迅速地回答
- answer proudly 自豪地回答
- answer quickly 很快地回答
- answer readily 做好准备地回答
- answer relevantly 中肯地回答
- answer reluctantly 勉强地回答
- answer respectfully 尊敬地回答
- answer rudely 粗鲁地回答
- answer sensibly 明智地回答
- answer seriously 认真地回答
- answer sharply 厉声回答
- answer sheepishly 胆怯地回答
- answer shortly 唐突地回答
- answer simply 简单地回答
- answer slowly 慢条斯理地回答
- answer snappishly 辛辣地回答
- answer stubbornly 顽强地回答
- answer tartly 尖刻地回答
- answer thoughtfully 若有所思地回答
- answer triumphantly 得意洋洋地回答
- answer truthfully 真诚地回答
- answer uncomfortably 不自在地回答
- answer unconcernedly 漠不关心地回答
- answer uninterestingly 无趣地回答
- answer vehemently 激烈地回答
- answer verbally 口头回答
- answer warmly 热情地回答
- answer worthily 值得回答
- answer back 顶嘴,回嘴
- answer up 清楚地回答,直言不讳地回答
- answer by 以…方式回答
- answer by cable 拍电报答复
- answer by telephone 打电话答复
- answer in 以某种工具或态度回答
- answer in the affirmative 肯定地答复
- answer in the negative 作否定回答
- answer in writing form 书面回答
- answer with 以…方式回答
- answer with a blow 以拳作答
- answer with an unhesitating negative 断然给予否定的答复
- answer with applause 报以掌声
- answer with hard work 以努力工作来回报
- answer for 对…负责,用作,保证
- answer for one's actions 对某人的行动负责
- answer for safety 对安全负责
- answer for sb's honesty 保证某人诚实
- answer for the consequences 对后果负责
- answer to 听从,(与…相)符合,与…一致
- answer to sb for sth 因某事对某人负责
- answer to sb's needs 适合某人的要求
- answer to the description 与描述的情况相符
- answer to the door 闻声开门
- answer to the purpose of 符合…目的,足以代替…之用
- address answer 致答词
- appeal answer 呼吁答复
- approve answer 批准答辩
- ask for an answer 要求答复
- avoid an answer 回避答复
- be ready with an answer 随时可作答复
- bring back an answer 带来答复
- burden answer 承担回答任务
- combat answers 反驳答复
- confine answer 限制答复
- consider answer 考虑回答
- decide one's answer 决定某人的答复
- defend answer 答辩
- deign no answer 不屑回答
- demand an answer 要求答复
- disturb answer 搅乱了回答
- draw answer from 从…得出答案
- echo answer 回音
- evade answer 逃避回答
- evolve answer 推论出答案
- expect an answer 希望〔期待〕答复
- express answer 表示答复
- extort answer 歪曲答复
- fire back answer 回击
- get an answer 得到答复
- give an answer 给予答复
- give sb an answer 给某人一个答复
- have an answer 得到答复
- hit upon answer 请求回答
- make answer (to) 回答…
- merit answer 值得回答
- mock answer 嘲弄
- observe answers 观察
- offer an answer 给予答复
- prepare an answer 准备回答
- press for an answer 催促答复
- protest answer 抗议
- provide an answer 给予答复
- receive an answer 接到答复
- reject answer 拒绝回答
- respond with answer 回答
- return an answer 来了答复
- send an answer 给予回答
- send sb an answer by 以…方式答复某人
- signal answer 用信号发出回答
- snap answer 急促地回答
- study answer 研究解决办法
- sweeten answer 使回答听起来悦耳
- volunteer answer 志愿提供回答
- wait for an answer 等待回答
- want an answer (to) 要求对…作出答复
- write an answer 作出书面回答
- write back an answer 写回信
- choose an answer 选择答案
- come up with the answer 找到答案
- constitute answer 制定答案
- correct an answer 改正答案
- cultivate answer 培植答案
- dig an answer 找答案
- examine answer 检查答案
- exhibit answer 展示答案
- find an answer 找出答案
- furnish an answer 提供答案
- guess the answer 猜出答案
- justify answer 证实答案
- know the answer 知道答案
- owe answer to 把答案归功于…
- supply answer 提供答案
- supply an answer to the question 提供问题的答案
- accurate answer 准确的回答
- adequate answer 恰当的回答
- admirable answer 令人崇敬的回答
- affirmative answer 肯定的回答
- amazing answer 令人吃惊的回答
- ambiguous answer 模棱两可的回答
- apt answer 恰当的回答
- arrogant answer 傲慢的回答
- authoritative answer 权威性的答复
- bad answer 坏的回答
- best answer 最好的回答
- brave answer 大胆的答复
- brief answer 扼要的回答
- broken answer 支离破碎的回答
- candid answer 坦率的回答
- careful answer 小心的回答
- categorical answer 斩钉截铁的回答
- cautious answer 谨慎的回答
- civil answer 有礼貌的回答
- clear answer 清楚的回答
- clever answer 聪明的回答,精明的回答
- comforting answer 令人欣慰的回答
- complete answer 全面的回答
- comprehensive answer 全面的回答
- conclusive answer 决定性的回答
- concrete answer 具体的回答
- confident answer 自信的回答
- contemptuous answer 卑劣的回答
- convincing answer 令人信服的答复
- correct answer 正确的回答
- courteous answer 有礼貌的回答
- curt answer 草率无礼的回答
- daring answer 大胆的回答
- definite answer 明确的回答
- different answer 不同的回答
- diplomatic answer 圆滑的回答
- direct answer 直接的回答
- discouraging answer 令人沮丧的回答
- distinct answer 清楚的答复
- dramatic answer 戏剧性的答案
- dubious answer 含糊其词的回答
- dusty answer 不能令人满意的回答
- efficient answer 有效的回答
- equivocal answer 含糊的回答
- evasive answer 含糊其词的回答
- explicit answer 明白的回答
- favourable answer 满意的回答
- fit answer 合适的回答
- flippant answer 轻佻的回答
- foolish answer 愚蠢的回答
- forceful answer 有力的回答
- frank answer 坦率的回答
- full answer 圆满的回答
- funny answer 可笑的回答
- good answer 好的回答
- guarded answer 谨慎的回答
- harsh answer 苛刻的答案
- heedless answer 漫不经心的回答
- immediate answer 立即答复
- impatient answer 不耐烦的回答
- impertinent answer 不相干的回答
- impressive answer 给人以深刻印象的回答
- incorrect answer 错误的回答
- indefinite answer 含糊其词的回答
- indignant answer 愤怒的回答
- inevitable answer 不可避免的回答
- instant answer 立即回答
- insulting answer 侮辱性的回答
- intelligible answer 易懂的答案
- irrelevant answer 不对题的回答
- laconic answer 简洁的回答
- lengthy answer 啰唆的回答
- logical answer 逻辑的回答
- long answer 冗长的回答
- meaningless answer 无意义的回答
- measured answer 有分寸的答案
- mechanical answer 机械的回答
- mild answer 温和的回答
- model answer 标准的答案
- modest answer 谦逊的回答
- negative answer 否定的回答
- no answer 未作回答
- no certain answer 不肯定的回答
- only one answer 唯一答案
- oral answer 口头回答
- partial answer 不公正的答案
- patient answer 耐心的回答
- perfect answer 完善的答案
- persuasive answer 有说服力的答案
- pleased answer 满意的答复
- poor answer 拙劣的回答
- positive answer 正面的回答
- practical answer 实际的回答
- prevaricating answer 支支吾吾的回答
- prompt answer 及时回复
- proper answer 适当的答复
- proud answer 傲慢的答复
- provocative answer 挑衅性的答复
- questionable answer 有问题的回答
- quick answer 迅速的回答
- quiet answer 温和的回答
- ready answer 脱口而出的回答
- respectful answer 恭敬的回答
- right answer 正确的答案
- satisfactory answer 令人满意的回答
- sharp answer 尖刻的回答
- short answer 简短的回答
- shrewd answer 机敏的回答
- shuffling answer 搪塞的回答
- significant answer 有意义的答复
- simultaneous answer 同时的答复
- skillful answer 巧妙的回答
- snappish answer 不耐烦的回答
- soft answer 温和的回答,委婉的回答
- straight answer 直接的回答
- stubborn answer 执拗的答复
- succinct answer 简洁的回答
- sufficient answer 充分的回答
- tentative answer 试探性的回答
- thoughtless answer 轻率的回答
- ultimate answer 最后的回答
- unexpected answer 意外的答复
- uninteresting answer 索然无味的回答
- unsatisfactory answer 不能令人满意的回答
- unwilling answer 不情愿的回答
- vague answer 含糊的回答
- verbal answer 口头回答
- wise answer 聪明的回答
- witty answer 机智的回答
- wrong answer 错误的回答
- answer about 关于…的答复
- answer by 以…方式回答
- answer by word of mouth 口头回答
- answer for 对…的回答
- answer for question 对问题的回答
- answer from sb 要某人回答
- answer in written 书面答复
- answer of… 的答案
- answer of the exercise 练习的答案
- answer to 对…的回答
- answer to a letter 回信
- answer to problem 答案
- answer to question 答案
People started asking him vague questions to which there were no sensible answers.
出自: G. Vidal -
It is proved already that you are little better than false knaves...How answer you for yourselves?
出自:Much Ado about Nothing , Shakespeare