



  • - (规范) standard; norm; criterion:

    norm; standard; criterion; 准则

    an example; 例则

    - (规则) regulation; rule; law:

    general rules; 总则

    principle; 原则

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Ze Chang 则长

  • - (效法) imitate; follow; copy:

    follow it; imitate its way; 则之

    follow the example of the martyrs in word and deed 则先烈之言行

    - (是,乃是) be:

    This is my fault. 此则余之过也。

    The office of the mind is to think. 心之官则思。

  • - (用于分项或自成段落的文字的条数) an item:

    an item of news ; a news story; 新闻一则

    a joke; 笑话一则

  • - (表示因果、条件等):

    between six months and a year; 多则一年,少则半载

    Either one goes forward or he will be left behind. 不进则退。

    - (表示对比、转折、让步等):

    Some are hard at work and some are slack in work. 有的勤奋工作,有的则消极怠工。

    Others may be fond of titles and honours, but I am not. 人皆好名,我则不然。

  • - (用在“一、二、三”等后面,列举原因或理由):

    Don't set him the task. For one thing he's old; for another he's in poor health. 不能让他去干,一则年纪大,二则身体弱。

    I don't think I am going today. First, I am feeling a bit tired; secondly, I have been there several times before. 我想今天不去了,一则我有点累,二则我去过好几趟了。



  1. 财政部原则上反对这些提议。
    The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals.
  2. 这样的行为与她情操高尚的原则是矛盾的。
    Such behavior is inconsistent with her high-minded principles.
  3. 他为了自己的革命原则而蒙受苦难。
    He suffered for his revolutionary principles.
  4. 她把自己的原则体现在行动中。
    She embodies her principles in her behavior.
  5. 他们拒绝同恐怖分子做交易,以免原则受到损害。
    They refused to compromise their principles by doing a deal with the terrorists.
  6. 他已经背弃了自己的国家和原则!
    He has denied his country and his principles!
  7. 你的行为与你的原则不符。
    Your behavior does not accord with your principle.
  8. 不信仰上帝是我们的原则。
    The unbelief of God is our principle.


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