Some researchers say they believe the earth's internal heating may be causing the ice sheet to thin or thicken over time. 一些研究者说他们相信随着时间的推移,地球内部的热量可能将导致冰层变薄或加厚。
The brittle nature of graphite also precludes the use of thin components for reducing stack size and weight, which is particularly important for transportation applications. 目前最常用的双极板是无孔石墨板,加工复杂,且石墨基质较脆,厚度难于进一步变薄,重量难以减轻。
The knees of this trousers have worn thin. 这条裤子的膝部都磨薄了。
As a result, nacre thickness is sometimes just a cosmetic layer that can wear thin over time. 所以真珠质的厚度就像脸上化妆品,不久就会磨薄了。
North Korea's communist government is urging women in the country to wear traditional Korean clothes instead of pants, according to a North Korean monthly magazine. 朝鲜一月刊发表文章指出朝鲜共产主义政府正号召本国女性放弃裤装换上韩服。
For its part, Goldman would have been on thin ice with its own shareholders if it had voluntarily relinquished valuable contract rights to make nice with Washington. 对于高盛来说,如果其自愿放弃极具价值的合约权力来与政府搞好关系,那它与自身股东的关系也就到了破裂边缘了。