"a boisterous crowd"
"a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand"
"a robustious group of teenagers"
"beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings"
"an unruly class"
unwilling to submit to authority;
"unruly teenagers"
of persons;
"the little boy's parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly"
用作形容词 (adj.)
They are unruly mob. 他们是些难以控制的暴徒。
The unruly students mocked their teacher. 这群无法无天的学生嘲笑老师。
The unruly crowd became even more boisterous when he tried to quiet them. 他试图使那些横蛮任性的人们安静下来,可他们却吵嚷得更加厉害。