- This paper aims to analyse in view of the history of culture in translation that the differences arising from translation of Buddhist transcription and the Bible are conditioned by socio-cultural influence. 本文从翻译文化史的角度说明佛经翻译、圣经翻译的实践和理论的形成之所以不同,是由于作为各自发展先决条件的社会文化以及思想哲学等方面的不同。
- To great extension, the translation of cultural anthropology to classic culture imago needs deeper and more innovate study. 摘要从很大程度讲,文化人类学对于经典文化意象的破译,有待于更为扎实深入和独具创意的研究。
- It is the translation of theories into practice. 这是理论到实践的转变。
- This is a verbal translation of the prose. 这是那篇散文的逐字直译。
- Chapter V deals with two controversial issues in idiom translation: one is translatability of culture and idioms, and the other is choice of adaptation and alienation. 第五章探讨了习语翻译中有争议的两个问题:一是文化与习语的可译性,二是对归化与异化的选择。
- Because of the existence of cultural universals and peculiarities among English and Chinese metaphors, the translation of them should be equivalent in conveying both message and culture. 由于英汉语中隐喻概念的文化存在着共性和个性,所以,在翻译过程中既传递信息等值,又要传达不同的文化。
- I think her translation of the article is much better than his. 我认为她对这篇文章的翻译要比他强的多。
- Therefore, the aptness in terms of culture and psychology is the criteria for the translatability of metaphor instead of equivalence. 因此,隐喻翻译不应以求同为目的,而应以文化和心理两方面的适切性为目标。
- His rigid translation of this literary work borders on literalness. 他对这部文学作品的生硬翻译近乎刻板。
- Most of his spare time was devoted to the translation of those works. 他把大部分的馀暇都有于翻译那些作品。
- Markedness Theory and Its Application in Translation of Culture 标记理论及其在文化翻译中的应用
- I puzzled it out and made a translation of it . 我研究出其意义并把它翻译出来。
- We can now proceed to the question of culture. 下面,我们就可以进到文化问题了。
- I hae read a Japanese translation of Hamlet. 我读过哈姆雷特的日文翻译本。
- Let him go to centres of culture and civilization. 让他到文化和文明的中心地去吧。
- Lanny got a French translation of the seven plays. 兰尼有这七个戏剧的法文译本。
- Indeed he was a patron of culture religion. 事实上他是文化和宗教的庇护者。
- A perverted translation of an epic poem. 对史诗有误解的翻译
- Universities are centres of culture. 大学是文化中心。
- Under the frequent exchanges of cultures between China and English-speaking countries, there exist a lot of regretting translations, especially in the translation of idioms. 摘要在当今频繁的英汉文化交流中,无论是英译汉,还是汉译英都出现了数不尽的令人遗憾的错误,尤其是习语的翻译。