- v. 躺下;位于;在于;平放;存在;延伸;说谎
- n. 谎言
- 撒谎,用谎骗使得...
- (事物)造成假象
- 证明...不实
- 平卧,躺
- 被平放
- 处于某种状态
- (比赛中)占名次,位于
- (抽象事物)存在,在于
- 被埋葬
- 展现,伸展
- 隐蔽
- 停泊
- 被储存
- (风)保持某一方向
- (军队)设营
- 【律】可立案,可受理
- <古>过夜,投宿,住宿
- 谎言,假话
- 假象,造成错觉的事物,欺骗行为
- 对谎言的斥责
- 状态,位置,方向
- (鸟、兽的)栖息处,巢穴,隐藏处
- <英>躺,躺着的一段时间
- 【高尔夫】球位
- vi. 躺,卧 have one's body in a flat position along the ground or other surface;be at rest
- vi. 平放 be resting flat on sth
- vi. 位于 exist in
- vi. 处于 remain, or be kept in the stated condition
- vi. 展现,伸展 show, spread out to view;extend
- vi. & vt. 说谎 make a statement that one knows to be untrue
- [C]说谎 an untrue statement purposely made to deceive
a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth
Norwegian diplomat who was the first Secretary General of the United Nations (1896-1968)
position or manner in which something is situated
be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position
be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position;
"The sick man lay in bed all day"
"the books are lying on the shelf"
originate (in);
"The problems dwell in the social injustices in this country"
be and remain in a particular state or condition;
"lie dormant"
tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive;
"Don't lie to your parents"
"She lied when she told me she was only 29"
have a place in relation to something else;
"The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West"
"The responsibility rests with the Allies"
assume a reclining position;
"lie down on the bed until you feel better"
- If you feel unwell, go and lie down.
如果你感到不舒服,就去躺下。 - My home town lies low in a hidden valley.
我的家乡位于一个隐蔽的山谷里。 - The fundamental way out lies in reform and openness.
根本出路在于改革开放。 - The novel is lying on the table.
小说平放在桌子上。 - The truth lies between two extremes.
真理存在两个极端之间。 - Our land lies between these trees and the river.
我们的土地位于这些树和那条河之间 - I promise never to lie to you from now on.
- He degraded himself by cheating and telling lies.
- lie about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)
到处散放;闲着不干事 be strewn about; idle around
lie about〔around〕I wish you wouldn't just lie around all day.
Don't leave your tools lying about.
My dog just lies around all day and doesn't even bark when strangers knock on the door—he's not even worth his keep.
- lie back (v.+adv.)
躺,倚靠 recline;lean backwards against some support
lie backJust lie back and enjoy yourself here.
He lay back in the comfortable chair.
- lie before (v.+prep.)
展现在…的面前 unfold before one's eyes
lie before sb/sthThe valley lay before us.
A vast expanse of golden crops lay before us.
Since you are young, life still lies before you.
My duty to my family lies before my own interests.
- lie behind1 (v.+adv.)
存在于过去;已成为往事 exist earlier;be past
lie behind of sthMemories lie behind of all that has happened.
- lie behind2 (v.+prep.)
是…的原因 be the reason or explanation for sth
- lie beyond1 (v.+adv.)
处于更远的位置;存在于未来 be in a position further away;exist in the future
lie beyondI have only ever seen as far as the next valley, and have no idea what lies beyond.
We can make plans for the next year, but who can tell what lies beyond?
- lie beyond2 (v.+prep.)
超过…的承受力 be greater than or too much for sth
- lie by1 (v.+adv.)
停泊,停航 stop;come to a rest
lie byWe shall have to lie by because of the storm.
- lie by2 (v.+prep.)
处在…旁边 take a position to sth
lie by sb/sthIt's so pleasant to lie by a warm fire.
- lie down (v.+adv.)
逃避(职责),不好好干 evade;fail to do one's duty
lie downYou had better go and lie down.
I had already lain down when he came in.
The doctor says that Mary must lie down and rest an hour every afternoon.
I get terrible headaches but it helps if I lie down in the dark for a while.
She lay down for half an hour.
The dog lay down.
lie downI hope you don't expect me just to lie down and take his insults.
Does he expect us to take such an insult lying down?
The man will not lie down under such treatment.
We have no intention of lying down under these accusation.
lie down on the jobIf Ade keeps lying down on the job, he'll soon be fired.
- lie heavy on (v.+adj.+prep.)
不舒服,烦恼,痛苦 cause discomfort, trouble, distress in
- lie in1 (v.+adv.)
分娩,待产 remain in bed to give birth to a baby
- lie in2 (v.+prep.)
在于 rest with
- lie off (v.+adv.)
在附近停泊;停止工作 keep a short way from the shore or another ship;stop working
lie offThe ship is now lying off, ready to load up.
As soon as he makes a little money, he lies off and spends it.
- lie on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
松劲;不求进取 relax one's efforts;make no further efforts
- lie over (v.+adv.)
延期处理,搁延 be left for action at a future time
lie overWe arrived there too late for the morning cars. We had, therefore, to lie over a day.
Let the matter lie over until the next committee meeting.
The decision must lie over until the next executive meeting.
- lie to1 (v.+adv.)
停泊 be moored or anchored
lie toThe ship was lying to outside the harbour.
- lie to2 (v.+prep.)
位于 exist in
lie to sthTo the east of China lies Japan.
- lie up (v.+adv.)
退隐,躲起来 stay in hiding or avoid being noticed
- lie with (v.+prep.)
是…的责任 be sb's duty or responsibility
lie with sb/sthIt lies with you to accept or reject the proposal.
It lies with the police to prove that the prisoner actually stole the jewels.
The fault does not lie with the government officials.
The job of ensuring an equal sharing of national wealth lies with the government.
- lie about (v.+prep.)
隐瞒 conceal;cover up
lie about sthMany women lie about their ages.
Age is one thing, but how do you lie about your height?
She lied about her past.
She lied about what had happened.
- lie into (v.+prep.)
骗取(某人的)信任;骗(某人做某事) make sb believe or do sth
lie sb/oneself into sth/v-ingBe on guard against those who try to lie themselves into our confidence.
He lied himself into office.
He lied me into lending him my car.
- lie out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
靠撒谎摆脱(困境) leave difficulty by deceiving
lie oneself/sth out of sthShe succeeded in lying herself out of trouble.
He lied his way out of trouble.
- lie to (v.+prep.)
(向…)撒谎 make a statement that one knows to be untrue to
lie to sbThe witness lied to the jury.
It is wrong to lie to the parents.
- as far as in me lies
尽我所能 try one's best
- tell a lie〔tell lies〕
说谎 make a statement that one knows to be untrue
- lie complacently 自鸣得意地躺着
- lie composedly 镇静地躺着
- lie consciously 有意识地躺着
- lie contemptuously 傲慢地躺着
- lie coolly 冷静地躺着
- lie dejectedly 沮丧地躺着
- lie despairingly 绝望地躺着
- lie dreamily 恍惚地躺着
- lie facetiously 滑稽地躺着
- lie faithfully 有信心地躺着
- lie fatalistically 听天由命地躺着
- lie freely 随意地躺着
- lie graciously 通情达理地躺着
- lie grudgingly 勉强地躺着
- lie horizontally 水平地躺
- lie idly 懒洋洋地躺着
- lie lazily 懒洋洋地躺着
- lie listlessly 无精打采地躺着
- lie mutely 默默地躺着
- lie provisionally 暂且躺着
- lie quietly 静静地躺着
- lie regretfully 遗憾地躺着
- lie reluctantly 不情愿地躺着
- lie satisfactorily 满意地躺着
- lie self-reproachfully 后悔地躺着
- lie shamelessly 羞涩地躺着
- lie simultaneously 同时躺着
- lie skeptically 心存怀疑地躺着
- lie smoothly 平静地躺着
- lie superficially 表面上躺着
- lie temporarily 暂时躺着
- lie tentatively 暂时躺着
- lie thoughtfully 考虑周到地躺着
- lie triumphantly 得意洋洋地躺着
- lie truthfully 真诚地躺着
- lie uncomfortably 不自在地躺着
- lie unconcernedly 漠不关心地躺着
- lie unexpectedly 出乎意外地躺着
- lie unhappily 不愉快地躺着
- lie unsuitably 不合适地躺着
- lie unwisely 不明智地躺着
- lie voluntarily 自愿地躺着
- lie warily 谨慎地躺着
- lie wistfully 若有所思地躺着
- lie about 分散在各处,四处乱丢,闲着不干事
- lie ahead 展现在面前
- lie along 伸直手脚躺着,船因侧风歪向一边
- lie around 分散在各处,四处乱丢,闲着不干事
- lie back 向后靠(在…上),仰靠(在…上)
- lie back in a chair 靠着椅背
- lie beyond 处于更远的位置,存在于未来
- lie by 躺在一边休息,搁置不用,停船
- lie down 躺下,躺下闲着
- lie off 与…保持一定距离,歇工,不参加
- lie over 笼罩,延期,等待以后处理
- lie up for a day or two 卧床一两天
- lie across the river 在河对岸
- lie against 靠在…上
- lie at the mouth of river 位于河口处
- lie before sb's eyes 展现在某人眼前
- lie beside a warm fire 躺在暖烘烘的炉火旁
- lie beyond 位于比(某地)更远之处,存在于比(某时)更远的未来
- lie by a warm fire 躺在暖烘烘的炉火旁
- lie down for a rest 躺下休息
- lie in bed 卧床
- lie deep in our human nature 深藏于人性中
- lie in store 将发生(某种情况)
- lie in the sun 晒太阳
- lie in the way 妨害,阻碍
- lie on〔upon〕 躺在…上,取决于,依赖,是…的责任
- lie on a bed 躺在床上
- lie down on a job 没有把心放在工作上
- lie on one's side 侧卧
- lie on the coast 位于海岸边
- lie on the ground 躺在地上
- lie on the result 要看结果如何
- lie over the platform 撒满站台
- lie to the south 位于南方
- lie under sth 躺在…下,蒙受,遭到,受到
- lie apparently 明显地撒谎
- lie carelessly 草率地撒谎
- lie cleverly 灵活地撒谎
- lie complacently 自鸣得意地撒谎
- lie consciously 有意识地撒谎
- lie constantly 经常撒谎
- lie coolly 冷静地撒谎
- lie decisively 断然撒谎
- lie definitely 肯定撒谎
- lie despairingly 绝望地撒谎
- lie diplomatically 机巧地撒谎
- lie doubtfully 难以预料地撒谎
- lie eventually 最终撒谎
- lie facetiously 滑稽地撒谎
- lie freely 随意地撒谎
- lie hesitatingly 犹豫不决地撒谎
- lie hopefully 充满希望地撒谎
- lie ignobly 不光彩地撒谎
- lie inadvertently 非故意地撒谎
- lie inauspiciously 不吉利地撒谎
- lie ineffectually 效果不佳地撒谎
- lie ingeniously 巧妙地撒谎
- lie impudently 厚颜无耻地撒谎
- lie intelligently 聪明地撒谎
- lie intentionally 故意撒谎
- lie involuntarily 不由自主地撒谎
- lie judiciously 审慎地撒谎
- lie knowingly 故意撒谎
- lie needlessly 不必要地撒谎
- lie pointlessly 无意义地撒谎
- lie prodigiously 说谎说得天花乱坠
- lie recklessly 轻率地撒谎
- lie regretfully 遗憾地撒谎
- lie reluctantly 不情愿地撒谎
- lie repeatedly 多次地撒谎
- lie shamefully 无耻地撒谎
- lie shamelessly 无耻地撒谎
- lie skeptically 心存怀疑地撒谎
- lie skilfully 巧妙地撒谎
- lie sorrowfully 可悲地撒谎
- lie treacherously 背信弃义地撒谎
- lie strenuously 艰难地撒谎
- lie unconsciously 下意识地撒谎
- lie unexpectedly 出乎意外地撒谎
- lie unscrupulously 肆无忌惮地撒谎
- lie unwisely 不明智地撒谎
- lie visibly 明显地撒谎
- lie warily 谨慎地撒谎
- lie away 骗取,骗去,以谎言毁损
- lie away sb's reputation 用谎言毁坏某人的名誉
- lie about one's age 隐瞒真实年龄
- lie about one's reason for sth 谎报…的原因
- lie in one's teeth 撒大谎
- lie a person into 骗某人相信
- lie to sb 对某人撒谎
- act a lie 作欺骗行为
- give the lie to sth 揭穿某事的虚伪性
- live a lie 过欺骗的生活,靠欺骗过活
- tell a lie 撒谎,说谎
- throw a lie in sb's face 当某人的面指责…撒谎
- pack of lies 谎话连篇
- lie about 有关…的谎言
- lie out of the whole truth 一个彻头彻尾的谎言
I had committed some fault and told a lie about it.
出自: J. Cary -
The horizontal lie of the chalk beds.
出自: S. Baring -
A stretcher on which lies a drunken woman.
出自: Scott Fitzgerald -
The long white forenoons of childhood, as I lay ill or convalescent.
出自: Day Lewis -
The boy lay asleep..in his teak bunk.
出自: G. Greene -
The train was very full, he said, though Myatt knew he lied.
出自: G. Greene -
It seems so terrible to lie to him..about things which just aren't true.
出自: I. Murdoch
- 今日热词
- 深远海浮式风电平台 - deep-sea floating wind power platform
- 京雄高速公路 - Beijing-Xiongan expressway
- 农业及相关产业增加值 - the added value of agriculture and related industries