The owl, for all his feathers, was a-cold.
出自: Keats
He went out and resumed his painting.
出自: T. Hardy
He can't open his mouth without lying.
出自: G. Greene
Giants of his size were very rare among Mongolian Tartars.
出自: J. C. Powys
He parked his car outside the mews in Hillsleigh Road.
出自: E. J. Howard
For X is never annoyed Or shocked; has read his Jung and knows his Freud.
出自: A. S. J. Tessimond
He touched nothing that any other child had made, only his and Patrick's work.
出自: G. Gordon
She remembered his making a doll's house for his daughters.
出自: E. Blishen
His was the soul of obedience.
出自: J. Conrad
A tone of voice,..a swift, epicene felicity of wit,..these had been his.
出自: E. Waugh
He took her ungloved hand in his.
出自: I. Murdoch