a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality;
"the team went into a slump"
"a gradual slack in output"
"a drop-off in attendance"
"a falloff in quality"
用作名词 (n.)
Arab diplomats say they have already detected a falloff in American influence in their region over the past year. 阿拉伯国家的外交官们说,他们已经发现美国在阿拉伯地区的影响力过去一年中出现了下降。
Other banks have suffered declines in deposits, with the steepest falloff at institutions beset with large losses. 其他一些银行则出现下降,最严重的是那些遭受重大损失困扰的机构。
The position of these ground locators can be adjusted later to tweak the falloff of the shadow attenuation. 那些地面上的定位器的位置能稍后时被调整去配合阴影衰减的散开。
By adding steerable sidelobe dips and achieving high sidelobe falloff rate, the windows can be used to detect a weak signal with a strong signal nearby. 只要在视窗里加上可指定位置的附叶洼沟和达到高的附叶衰减率,此视窗就能把在强信号附近的弱信号侦察出来。