a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
the auditory experience of sound that lacks musical quality; sound that is a disagreeable auditory experience;
"modern music is just noise to me"
disagreeable sounds
用作名词 (n.)
Cognitive dissonance is also applied to a perceived incongruity between a person's attitudes and his behaviour. 认识分歧也用于指一个人的态度和他的行为之间可以看得出来的不一致。
Maybe he did disrupt their traditional thinking,isn't a little bit of dissonance healthy for the intellectual community? 他的确打乱了他们的传统思想,但一点点意见不一致不更有利于知识界的发展吗?
The resolution of one dissonance is often the preparation for another dissonance. 一个不和谐音转变为和谐音常常是为另一个不和谐音做铺垫。
Poison is a substance that puts the form in greater dissonance leading to disease or death. 毒药是将形体带入更大的不和谐,从而带来疾病或死亡的物质。
The music of Wagner was distinguished by startling innovations in chord progressions and dissonance. 瓦格纳在作品中对和弦进行及不协和音实行了令人咋舌的创新,这是他作曲的特点。
Also a musical chord essentially consists of a combination of simultaneous notes, but this combination is under consonance and dissonance constraints. 而音乐和弦则由同时演奏的音符组成,但此组合会受到协和音与不协和音的限制。