characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance;
"a conceited fool"
"an attitude of self-conceited arrogance"
"an egotistical disregard of others"
"so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty"
"growing ever more swollen-headed and arbitrary"
"vain about her clothes"
用作形容词 (adj.)
I dislike conceited persons. 我不喜欢自高自大的人。
You must not think that I was a conceited man. 你不能认为我是高傲的人。
Conceited people never hear anything but praise. 凡是爱虚荣的人只听得进赞美的话。
Promoted too quickly, the conceited young man became overbearing. 提拔得太快, 那个自负的年轻人变得盛气凌人。
He's so conceited that when she refused his invitation, it really put his nose out of joint. 他很自负,她没接受他的邀请可把他的鼻子气歪了。