
[wɜːd]     [wɜːrd]    
  • n. 單詞;消息;話語;諾言
  • v. 用詞語表達
worded worded wording words



n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 字,詞 the smallest unit of spoken language which has meaning and can stand alone
  2. [C] (說的)話,話語,言語 anything said; remark or statement
  3. [S] 消息,信息; 謠言 piece of news; message; rumour
  4. [S] 口令,號令; 命令 spoken command or signal
  5. [S] 諾言,保證 a promise
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 用詞語表達; 選用 express (sth) in particular words; phrase sth


  1. a unit of language that native speakers can identify;

    "words are the blocks from which sentences are made"
    "he hardly said ten words all morning"

  2. a brief statement;

    "he didn't say a word about it"

  3. information about recent and important events;

    "they awaited news of the outcome"

  4. a verbal command for action;

    "when I give the word, charge!"

  5. an exchange of views on some topic;

    "we had a good discussion"
    "we had a word or two about it"

  6. a promise;

    "he gave his word"

  7. a word is a string of bits stored in computer memory;

    "large computers use words up to 64 bits long"

  8. the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus)

  9. a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group;

    "he forgot the password"

  10. the sacred writings of the Christian religions;

    "he went to carry the Word to the heathen"

  1. put into words or an expression;

    "He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees"



  1. Could we have a word before you go to the meeting?
  2. Tell me what happened in your own words.
  3. My friend sent word that he was well.


用作名詞 (n.)
a man of his word
    守信用的人 a person who keeps his promise
at a word
    立刻 right now; immediately
be as good as one's word
    說話算數 keep one's promises
break one's word
    食言 fail to keep a promise
eat one's words
    收回前言 take back one's words
Famous last words!
    你自稱的!你說的! So you claim!
have a word in sb's ear
    與…說悄悄話 speak to sb in private
have a word with
    和…簡單談談 talk briefly to sb
have the last〔final〕 word
    強辯到底 make the final comment in an argument
have words
    爭吵 quarrel
in a word
    總而言之 in brief〔conclusion〕
in other words
    換句話說 putting in another way
in word
    在口頭上 orally
keep one's word
    遵守諾言,守信用 keep a promise
man〔woman〕 of few〔many〕 words
    沉默寡言〔多言〕的人 sb who says little〔much〕
my word!
    〈口〉哎呀!天哪!好傢夥! (exclamation of surprise)
not a word
    什麼也別說; 別說 not say anything; be silent
not in so many words
    不明確地 not exactly
not the word for it
    不恰當的字眼 an understatement
operative word
    最重要的詞 most significant word
pick one's words
    謹慎措辭 choose those words that express one's meaning best, that will not cause offence, etc.
put in a good word for
    為…說好話,為…說情 praise sb/sth; recommend sb/sth
swallow one's words
    承認說錯了話 admit that one has said sth wrong
take at sb's words
    相信…的話; 照…的話做 believe sb without question; do sth at sb's words
    take sb at sb's words

    When the hotel manager promised us a first-class dinner, we foolishly took him at his words.


    He suggested that if I was not satisfied I should leave, so I took him at his words.


take the words out of sb's mouth
    搶先講出某人要講的話 anticipate what sb is about to say
upon my word
    的確,真的 on my honour
with this〔these〕 words
    說著就… as saying
word for word
    一字不變地 exactly as spoken or written
words fail
    無法用語言來表達,激動得說不出話來 be unable to find words to express one's feelings


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞


  • Rome shall perishswrite that word In the blood that she has spilt.

    出自: W. Cowper
  • We have striven..to draw some word from her; but she..answers nothing.

    出自: G. P. R. James
  • To use his own words, he was in a cleft stick.

    出自: H. Conway
  • Actions speak louder than words.

  • He words me, girls, he words me, that I should not Be noble to myself.

    出自:Anthony Cleopatra , Shakespeare
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