- v. 希望;想要
- n. 願望;命令;渴望;祝頌(表達這個意思時,常用複數)
- vt. & vi. 希望; 想要 have a desire
- vt. 祝願 say that one hopes for
- [C] 渴望,希望,盼望,願望 a feeling of wanting sth, especially sth that is at present impossible; hope or desire
- [C] 希望的事,想要的東西 a thing wished for; object of hope or desire
- [C] 許願,祈禱,祈求 an attempt to make a particular desired thing or situation happen, especially when it can only happen by magic expressed in a special way or silently; act of wishing
a specific feeling of desire;
"he got his wish"
"he was above all wishing and desire"
an expression of some desire or inclination;
"I could tell that it was his wish that the guests leave"
"his crying was an indirect request for attention"
(usually plural) a polite expression of desire for someone's welfare;
"give him my kind regards"
"my best wishes"
the particular preference that you have;
"it was his last wish"
"they should respect the wishes of the people"
hope for; have a wish;
"I wish I could go home now"
prefer or wish to do something;
"Do you care to try this dish?"
"Would you like to come along to the movies?"
make or express a wish;
"I wish that Christmas were over"
feel or express a desire or hope concerning the future or fortune of
order politely; express a wish for
invoke upon;
"wish you a nice evening"
"bid farewell"
- If possible, I wish to work in sales department.
如果可能的話,我希望在銷售部工作。 - I wish you a good journey.
祝你一路平安。 - Do you wish to say anything?
- His wish to be an actor has come true.
他想當演員的願望實現了。 - The Asian confederation has said it would leave its four executive committee members to vote as they wish rather than give an order.
亞足聯聲稱將由其四位執委按照他們自己的意願進行投票,而不會下命令。 - I have no wish to be an official.
我沒有當官的願望。 - We all send our best wishes (for your recovery).
- wish away (v.+adv.)
希望…離開〔消失〕 desire (sb/sth) to leave; try to make (sb/sth) disappear by wishing
wish awayIt's no use just wishing away for week after week, you have to take some action!
wish sb/sth awayWith all her heart, she wished him away, but he refused to go.
It would be nice, wouldn't it?if we could wish this terrible weather away and make the sun shine!
She kissed the child's knee and said that she would wish the pain away.
These problems cannot be wished away, you know.
- wish for (v.+prep.)
希望得到 desire (usually sth)
wish for sthThe fisherman wished for a new house, but he was soon sorry.
I will send you the book you wished for.
The children have everything they could possibly wish for.
We wish for peace.
How she wished for an opportunity to come and visit our Great Wall.
If you wish for further explanation, you'd better apply in person to the director.
We were wishing for cool weather.
When it is hot they wish for winter.
It's no use wishing for things you can't have.
What more could one wish for?
The weather was all that could be wished for.
- wish on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
使打擾,使染上 cause sth bad or sb unwanted to trouble sb〔說明〕 wish on〔upon〕作此解時通常不用於進行體。
wish on〔upon〕 sb/sthYou can wish upon a star.
Mary wished on a star that she could pass the test.
wish sb/sth on〔upon〕 sbI don't think we can wish the children on your parents while we're away.
She's a difficult person; I wouldn't wish her on my worst enemy.
They wished the hardest job on me.
I wouldn't wish such an illness upon my worst enemy.
- wish sb a Merry Christmas 祝某人聖誕快樂
- wish sb a safe journey 祝某人旅行平安
- wish sb every success 祝某人萬事如意
- wish sb good luck 祝某人好運
- wish sb good night 向某人道晚安
- wish sb goodbye 向某人告別
- wish ardently 熱切希望
- wish cordially 熱誠祝願
- wish deliberately 小心地祝願
- wish earnestly 熱切希望
- wish fondly 天真地希望
- wish foolishly 愚蠢地祝願
- wish heartily 衷心祝願
- wish irrationally 不合理地想要
- wish really 真心希望
- wish seriously 認真地祝願
- wish sincerely 衷心祝願
- wish viciously 詛咒
- wish away 繼續表達個人的願望,希望…離開〔消失〕
- wish for 想要,渴求
- wish for a room 想要一個房間
- wish for cool weather 希望天氣轉涼
- wish for peace 渴望和平
- wish on〔upon〕 向…祈求,使打擾
- wish a task on sb 強要某人接受一項工作
- accept wishes 接受祝福
- attain one's wish 實現自己的願望
- carry one's wish into effect 實現自己的願望
- convey the best wishes of 轉達對…的祝願
- deny wish 拒絕請求
- disregard sb's wish 無視某人的意願
- exchange good wishes 互相祝願
- express one's wish 表示自己的願望
- extend wish 表示祝願
- form a wish 形成一個願望
- fulfil a wish 實現一個願望
- get one's wish 如願以償
- give one's best wishes to sb 向某人致意
- give up a wish 放棄願望
- go against sb's wish 違背某人的願望
- grant sb's wish 滿足某人的願望
- have a wish 有一個願望
- make wish 許願
- meet sb's wishes 滿足某人的願望
- obtain one's wish 實現願望
- offer one's wishes 表示祝願
- realize a wish 實現願望
- receive wishes 接受祝願
- respect sb's wish 尊重某人的願望
- satisfy a wish 滿足願望
- send one's best wishes to sb 向某人致意
- best wishes (最)美好的祝願
- collective wish 共同的願望
- constant wish 夙願
- deep wish 深切的希望
- earnest wish 熱切的希望
- fervent wish 強烈的願望
- good wishes 良好的祝願
- insane wish 荒唐的願望
- last wish 最終的願望
- strong wish 強烈的願望
- sincere wishes 衷心祝願
- strong wish 強烈的願望
- the warmest wishes 最親切的祝願
- unfulfilled wish 未實現的願望
- warm wishes 熱情的祝願
- death wish (有意識或無意識地希望自己或他人死亡的)死亡願望
- against sb's wish 違背某人的心愿
- at the wish 根據…的願望
- wish for (對)…的願望
- wish for fame 想得到名譽
- wish for peace 和平的願望
- the wish of his parents 他父母的願望
- the wishes of the dead 死者的願望
I would not wish Any companion in the world but you.
出自:Tempest , Shakespeare -
She hears that Miss Biggs is to be married...I wish it may be so.
出自: J. Austen -
I wished both magazine and review at the bottom of the sea.
出自: C. Lamb -
Let us remember James by name and wish him happy.
出自: Dickens -
You should do just what your grandfather wishes.
出自: L. M. Alcott -
'I wish we could marry now,' murmured Stephen, as an impossible fancy.
出自: T. Hardy -
If men really wish to be good, they will become good.
出自: J. B. Mozley -
These words were a barrier between us which she wished me..to remove.
出自: I. Murdoch