



  • - (人或鳥獸的腳交互向前移動) walk; go:

    walk; 行走

    go one's own way; take one's own road; 走自己的路

    - (跑) run:

    run; rush about; run errands; be busy running about; 奔走

    Fight when you can win, move away when you can't. 打得贏就打,打不贏就走。

    - (移動; 挪動) move:

    move a piece; move along; 走一步棋

    The clock has stopped. 鐘不走了。

    - (離開; 去) leave; depart; go away:

    He has left. 他走了。

    Don't go away! 別走哇。

    - (來往) visit; call on:

    call on relatives; 走親戚

    (of a married woman) visit her parents' home; 走娘家

    - (通過; 由) pass through; get past:

    pass through a tunnel; 走過地道

    go to town along the main road 走大路進城

    - (漏出; 泄漏) leak; let out; reveal:

    let out a secret; leak out; 走風

    The gas is leaking from the pipe. 煤氣管道走氣了。

    - (改變或失去原樣) depart from the original; change or lose the original shape, flavour, colour, etc.:

    sing out of tune; 唱走板了

    speak beside the point; explain away from the point; 講走題了



  1. 這老人沒有手杖就走不了路。
    The old man could not walk without a stick.
  2. 他正沿海邊走去。
    He is walking down the seaside.
  3. 我累得再也走不動了。
    I was too tired to walk any further.
  4. 我剛走出飯店就遇見了我的朋友。
    Hardly had I gone out of the hotel when I met my friend.
  5. 你儘管走好了。
    You may just as well go.
  6. 他在火車站的月台上走來走去。
    He was walking up and down the station platform.
  7. 由車站走到這裡只有十分鐘的路程。
    It is no more than ten minutes' walk from the station.
  8. 我遇到他時,他正往鎮上走去。
    He was walking towards town when I met him.


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