



  • - (走獸用腳刨地) dig ground with foot or hoof
  • - (腳迅速向前移動; 跑步) run:

    run the 800-metre dash; 跑800米

    The dog was running behind its master. 狗跟在它主人後面跑著。

    - (走) walk:

    He walked about the city all day. 他整日在城裡到處跑。

    We walked five miles. 我們跑了5英里。

    - (逃走) run away; escape; flee:

    Don't let the rascal escape. 別讓壞蛋跑了。

    All the animals fled from the fire. 動物見到火都跑了。

    - (為某種事物而奔走) run about doing sth.; run errands:

    run about collecting material or making inquiries; 跑材料

    be a commercial traveller; 跑買賣

    - (泄; 漏) leak; escape:

    Air is escaping from the tyre. 車帶跑氣了。

    That pipe leaks gas. 那管子跑氣。

    - (液體揮發) evaporate:

    The gasoline in the bottle has evaporated. 瓶里的汽油跑了。

    - (離開所在的位置) away; off:

    frighten away; 嚇跑

    The seedlings were washed away by the flood. 秧苗給大水沖跑了。



  1. 男孩很快地跑上樓。
    The boy ran upstairs quickly.
  2. 他每天早晨花兩個小時練習賽跑。
    Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.
  3. 這個小男孩跑去找他的哥哥。
    The little boy ran off to get his brother.
  4. 那個男孩逃跑來逃避懲罰。
    The boy avoided punishment by running away.
  5. 那隻狐狸在獵人向它射擊前跑掉了。
    The fox ran away before the hunter shot it.
  6. 那名重罪犯試圖從監獄中逃跑。
    That felon tried to escape from the prison.
  7. 他連一哩都跑不了,更不用說馬拉鬆了。
    He can hardly run a mile, much less the marathon.
  8. 他跑得飛快,足以抓住那小偷。
    He ran fast enough to catch the thief.


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