



  • - (塗抹) smear; apply; put on:

    smear paste; 抹漿糊

    put on a little vanishing cream; 抹點雪花膏

    - (擦) wipe:

    wipe one's eyes; be weeping; 抹眼淚

    wipe one's face; 抹把臉

    - (勾掉; 除去; 不計在內) cross out; strike out; cancel; erase:

    erase the recording from a tape; 抹去錄音

    cancel a figure; 把數字抹掉

  • - (用抹子弄平泥或灰) daub; plaster:

    plaster floor; 抹地

    plaster a wall; daub plaster on a wall 抹牆

    - (緊挨著繞過) turn; bypass; skirt:

    skirt around a reef; 抹過暗礁

    turn at different corners 轉彎抹角

  • - (擦) rub; wipe:

    wipe a table clean; 抹桌子

    wipe one's hands on a towel 在手巾上抹抹手

    - (用手按著向下移動) slip sth. off:

    slip one's scarf off; 抹下頭巾

    pull a long face; be strict with sb. 把臉一抹



  1. 我們必須抹去對那次失敗的記憶。
    We have to extinguish the memory of the defeat.
  2. 用髮油將頭髮抹平
    Plaster one's hair with pomade.
  3. 新抹的泥灰在幾個小時內能幹
    Fresh plaster will fix in a few hours.
  4. 精製石灰膠泥精製石灰膠泥,用於在灰泥表層塗抹成膜
    A fine lime cement used as a finishing coat on plaster.
  5. 小湯姆用硬麵包把肉汁抹得乾乾淨淨。
    Little Tom swabbed up the gravy with crusty bread.


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