



  • - (在正面的) front:

    front door [courtyard] 前門 [院]

    - (次序在先的) first; top:

    the first six rows of seats; 前六排座位

    the first three places; 前三名

    - (過去的; 較早的)ago; before; preceding:

    before liberation; 解放前

    the preceding stage; 前一階段

    - (從前的) former; formerly:

    former mayor; ex-mayor; 前市長

    former principal of a school 前校長

  • - (向前進)go forward [ahead]:

    recoil in fear; hesitate to press forward; 畏縮不前

    go bravely forward; forge ahead dauntlessly 勇往直前



  1. 我以前從未聽到過這個詞語,是最近新造的嗎?
    I hadn't heard that expression before ; is it a recent coinage?
  2. 辦公室前有一叢玫瑰。
    There is a rose bush in front of the office.
  3. 希思先生是英國前任首相。
    Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain.
  4. 這兩個人中,前者已死,而後者仍然活著。
    Of these two men, the former is dead but the latter is still alive.
  5. 使用象我們的前任會計這樣的片語來指仍然健在不過不掌管相關的職位的人,在字義上是正確的,但是在這樣的情況下,former一詞能夠避免尷尬的誤解發生
    It is technically correct to use a phrase such as our late treasurer to refer to a person who is still alive but who no longer holds the relevant post, but the use of former in this context will ensure that no embarrassing misunderstanding is created.
  6. 我在進門前把鞋在墊子上擦了擦。
    I wiped my shoes on the mat before I came in.
  7. 一名通訊員被派去給前線士兵送消息。
    A messenger was despatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.
  8. 他對他以前不光彩的行為感到羞愧。
    He is ashamed for his former dishonorable action.


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