a United States youth subculture of the 1950s; rejected possessions or regular work or traditional dress; for communal living and psychedelic drugs and anarchism; favored modern forms of jazz (e.g., bebop)
用作名词 (n.)
The band emphasized the beats in the music to show that it was a marching tune. 乐队强调这支乐曲的节拍,以显示它是进行曲。
Her dancing symbolizes the visual imparity of thought diving in it beats, approaching the infinity with the metronome of its indestructible fragility. 她的舞蹈象征着思想的起伏在视觉上的差异性,伴随着节拍器的节拍,她不断的跳着一直将那坚不可摧的脆弱延伸向永恒。
A whale's heart beats nine times a minute. 鲸的心脏每分钟只跳动次。
The pulse of joy that beats in us at twenty becomes sluggish. 二十岁时在我们身上跳动着的欢乐的脉搏会迟缓下来。