"an indignant denial"
"incensed at the judges' unfairness"
"a look of outraged disbelief"
"umbrageous at the loss of their territory"
Gwendolyn Hatcher, former inspector general of the city Department of Cultural Affairs, told a federal jury that an outraged Myerson stormed into her office with three of her top aides in tow. 前[纽约]市文化局调查主任哈彻告诉联邦陪审团说:怒气冲冲的迈尔森带领着她的三个高级幕僚闯入她的办公室。
Ashamed into anger and at the instigation of Mrs.Tooth, the outraged husbands attached Jack. 恼羞成怒成怒的丈夫们在图丝太太的指使下,把杰克打翻在地。