an empty room; 空房间
a bottle empty of wine; 空酒瓶
territorial sky [air]; 领空
a clear [bright] sky; 晴空
All space-directions are void.; Everything is emptiness. 四大皆空。
Kong Quan 空全
make fruitless efforts; 空忙
make a journey for nothing 空跑一趟
empty a drawer; 空出一个抽屉
Leave two blank spaces at the beginning of each paragraph. 每段开头要空两格。
a vacant room; 空房
blank line; 空行
Leave a little more space between the rows. 各行之间多留点空儿。
Fill the blank spaces with right words. 用正确的词填空。
I'm busy today. Let's talk about it some other day. 今天没空儿,改日再谈吧。
Are you free? 你有空儿吗?
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