made fewer mistakes; 少出差错
renounce empty talk; 少说空话
be short of doctors and medicine; 缺医少药
We still lack a pair of chopsticks. 还少一双筷子。
See if anyone is missing. 看看少不少人。
One book is missing. 少了一本书。
Stop talking rubbish! 少废话!
Stop pretending! 少给我装蒜!
seldom seen; unique; rare 少见
Wait a moment, please. 请少候。
men and women; old and young; 男女老少
He is too young to do the work. 做这项工作,他还有点年少。
young ruffian; 恶少
a profligate son of the rich 阔少
Shao Nianwei 少年唯
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