- 交错延伸PCROverlap Extension PCR
- 重叠延伸PCRoverlap extension PCR
- 循环延伸PCRrecursive PCR
- 重叠延伸PCR法overlap extension by polymerase chain reaction
- 连续延伸PCR方法a successive PCR method
- 拼接重叠延伸PCRSOE-PCR
- 重叠延伸PCR(SOEPCR)splicing by overlap extension PCR
- 他交错编织马尾毛。He braided the horse's tail.
- 使锯齿交错to stagger the teeth of a saw
- 群山向西延伸。The mountains have a western trend.
- 那些树枝互相交错着。Those branches interlaced.
- 螺旋齿轮, 交错斜齿轮cross helical gear
- 经重叠延伸PCR扩增,将vH和vL连接后构建的ScFv基因大约75obp;The weight of ScFv about 750bp after VH linked with VL by SOE PCR.
- 将尼龙与棉交错编织interweave nylon with cotton
- 大片陆地延伸到海里。Land masses extrude into the sea.
- 交错的树枝interlacing branches
- 这条小河向北延伸。The small stream verges to the north.
- 交错路zigzag path
- 以办公室为中心的友谊通常不会延伸进入休闲活动或学校活动中去。Friendships that are centered around the office often do not spill out into recreational or even school activities.
- PCRpolymerase chain reaction (PCR)