"She witnessed the accident and had to testify in court"
perceive or be contemporaneous with;
"We found Republicans winning the offices"
"You'll see a lot of cheating in this school"
"The 1960's saw the rebellion of the younger generation against established traditions"
"I want to see results"
用作名词 (n.)
The witness was telling about the whole accident. 目击者正在讲述整个事故的过程。
The lawyer examined the witness. 律师讯问了证人。
A material witness failed to appear in court. 一名重要的证人没有出庭。
Did anyone witness the traffic accident? 有谁目击了这场交通事故?
Please the witness to the room on the right. 请把目击证人带到左边的房间。
It was an extraordinary experience to witness the first sunrise of the new millennium. 亲眼目睹千禧年的第一缕曙光是一种与众不同的经历。
Programs look for people with special experience, to witness history, pondering life, against life experience and spiritual secrets of the creation of a novel transcript. 节目寻访拥有特殊经历的人物,一起见证历史,思索人生,直指生命的体验与心灵秘密,创造一种新颖的谈话记录。
Only one witness of the accident has come forward. 只有一人站出来为这次事件作见证。
Database properties cannot be set on the witness. 不能在见证上设置数据库属性。
The witness at the trial had been carefully primed by defence lawyers. 被告律师对出席审讯的证人事先作了仔细的指导。
You are now the witness or the watcher of the pain-body. 现在你是痛苦体的目击人或观察者。