- n. 标准;规格;水准;军旗
- adj. 标准的;普通的;规范的;权威的
- 标准,规格,水准,基准
- 规范
- 军旗,旗
- 本位
- 行为标准
- 道德水准
- 法定度量衡标准
- 法定含量
- 歌曲,流行乐曲
- 产品规格
- 模范
- 年级
- 标准的,模范的,规范(化)的
- 普通的,一般(性)的
- 权威(性)的
- 公认为优秀的
- 正常的,通常的
- 按一定规格制作的
- 合格的,合规格的
- 装支柱的
- 不依附他物生长的
- 一流的
- 本位的
- [C] [U] 标准,水准,规范 a level or degree of quality that is considered proper or acceptable
- [C] 平均质量,业务水平 average quality; specified level of proficiency
- [C] 旗帜,标杆 distinctive ceremonial flag; carved figure, image, etc. fixed to a pole
- [C] 支柱,基座 upright pole or stand
- [A] 标准的,规范的 serving as, used as or conforming to a standard; widely accepted as the usual form
- 普通的,正常的,一般的 average, normal or usual; not special or unusual
- 公认为权威或优秀的 of generally recognized and accepted authority or merit
a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated;
"the schools comply with federal standards"
"they set the measure for all subsequent work"
the ideal in terms of which something can be judged;
"they live by the standards of their community"
a board measure = 1980 board feet
the value behind the money in a monetary system
an upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support);
"distance was marked by standards every mile"
"lamps supported on standards provided illumination"
any distinctive flag
conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind;
"windows of standard width"
"standard sizes"
"the standard fixtures"
"standard brands"
"standard operating procedure"
commonly used or supplied;
"standard procedure"
"standard car equipment"
established or well-known or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence;
"a standard reference work"
"the classical argument between free trade and protectionism"
conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers;
"standard English"
"received standard English is sometimes called the King's English"
regularly and widely used or sold;
"a standard size"
"a stock item"
- There is no absolute standard for beauty.
美是没有绝对的标准的。 - More than 300 watches are not up to standard.
有300多块手表不合质量标准。 - The government has an official standard for the purity of silver.
政府对于银的纯度定有官方的规格。 - Washing machines have standard measurements to fit under kitchen units.
洗衣机的长宽高都有一定的规格,这样才能和厨房家具成为一体。 - Such prices hit off with the standard of our life.
这样的物价与我们的生活水准相符。 - The ignominy of losing your standard, your eagle standard, became equally great.
丢失军旗和鹰旗,所带来的耻辱,也变的同样重大起来。 - Wagon bearing Milan's standard to inspire the army, pushed by elite troops armed with spears and light armour.
- According to my height, what is my standard weight?
根据我的身高,我的标准体重是多少? - Searching handluggage at airports is now standard procedure.
在机场检查手提行李现在已成例行程序。 - Maintain a secure DB server using standard and advanced techniques.
用规范的和先进的技术来安全地维护数据库服务器。 - In my mind, the highest standard to measure the ethics and morality is justice.
在我的思想中,衡量道德规范的最高标准就是公平。 - This is one of the standard books on the subject.
- apply a standard 应用一个标准
- come up to the standard 达到标准,合格
- demand a standard 要求达到某一标准
- establish standards 建立标准
- fix the standard 确定标准〔规格〕
- go off the gold standard 废弃金本位制
- have a standard 有一个标准〔规格〕
- hold high the great standard 高举伟大的旗帜
- maintain the standard of 保持…的标准
- meet standards 符合标准
- raise the standard 提高标准
- reach the standard 达到标准
- set a standard 制订〔提出〕一个标准
- accepted standards 公认的标准
- certain standard 某一标准
- current standards 目前的标准
- definite standard 明确的标准
- different standards 不同的标准〔规格〕
- double standards 双重标准,复本位制
- fixed standards 固定的标准,已确定的标准
- general standards 总的标准
- high standards 高标准
- international standards 国际标准
- living standards 生活水平
- low standards 低标准
- minimum standards 最低标准
- moral standards 道德标准
- national standards 国家标准
- new standards 新的标准
- normal standards 正常的标准〔规格〕
- official standards 正式的标准〔规格〕
- old standards 老规格,老标准
- ordinary standards 普通的规格
- permanent standards 永久性的标准
- recognized standards 被承认的标准
- unified standards 统一的标准
- food and nutrition standards 食品和营养标准
- gold standard 金本位制
- pay standards 工资标准
- quality standards 质量标准
- silver standards 银本位制
- above the standards 超过标准
- according to the standards 根据标准
- below standards 未达到标准
- by international standards 按国际标准
- by today's standards 根据当今的标准
- from the standards 根据标准
- on a standard 根据某一标准
- up to the standards 达标
- standard of living 生活水平
- standard of national treatment 国民待遇标准
- standard of public conduct 公共行为准则,社会风气
- standard of quality 质量标准
- standard apparel 标准服饰
- standard authority 标准性的权威
- standard books 优秀书籍
- standard length 标准长度
- standard pronunciation 标准发音
- standard sample 标准样品
- standard shift 标准变速装置
- standard size 标准尺寸
- standard spelling 标准拼法
- standard time 标准时间
- standard transmission 标准传递,标准变速器
- standard way 一般的做法
- standard work 权威著作
Nations..were ready to join his standard.
出自: T. Arnold -
The black eagle is the standard of Prussia.
出自: E. B. Pusey
- average
- banner
- canon
- colours
- example
- grade
- guide
- measure
- principle
- rule
- sample
- type adj.
- basic
- normal
- regular
- usual