n. (名词)
- [C]路,道路,公路 a prepared track or way, usually with a smooth hard surface, along which wheeled vehicles can travel
- [S]近岸水域,近岸锚地 stretch of water near the shore where ships may be anchored
an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation
a way or means to achieve something;
"the road to fame"
用作名词 (n.)
- A fall of rocks blocked the road.
掉落的岩石把路封住了。 - The road was blocked by a huge rock.
道路被一块大石头堵住了。 - The rough road made the car vibrate.
崎岖不平的道路使车颠簸得很厉害。 - This is the high road to democracy.
这是通向民主的直接途径。 - We cleared a few things up, so now we are on the right road to recovery.
用作名词 (n.)
- by road
(乘车)在公路上,由公路 in or on a road vehicle
- hit the road
启程 start on a journey
- on the right road
将发现,快要成功 getting close to finding one
- on the road
在旅途中,巡回演出 travelling, especially as a salesman, performer or tramp
- take to the road
成为流浪者 become a tramp
用作名词 (n.)
- bar the road 挡住去路
- block a road 封锁道路,堵塞道路
- break a road 开路前进,排除困难前进
- build a road 筑路
- burn up the road 开快车,驾车急驶
- clear a road 排除路上的障碍
- concrete the road 用混凝土浇筑路面
- extend a road 延长公路
- follow a road 沿路走
- get out of sb's road 给某人让路
- lay across the road 横倒在路上
- lay out a road 设计公路
- mend a road 修路
- open a road 开通道路
- patch up the road 填平路面
- resurface a road 重铺路面
- surface a road 铺路面
- take a road 取路(走)
- take the road 占先,居上
- take to the road 出发,动身
- walk down the road 沿着这条路走
- widen a road 加宽道路
- back road 支路,乡间的道路
- broad road 康庄大道
- busy road 繁忙的公路
- capitalist road 资本主义道路
- crooked road 弯曲的道路
- dusty road 满是尘土的路
- heavy road 崎岖〔泥泞〕的道路
- impassable road 无法通行的道路
- intersecting roads 交叉路
- main road 干道,大街
- merging roads 汇集路
- near road 近路
- paved road 铺好路面的路
- radial roads 呈放射状的道路
- right road 正确的道路
- rough road 崎岖的道路
- royal road 捷径
- rural road 乡下的路
- secondary road 辅助道路
- smooth road 平坦的道路
- socialist road 社会主义道路
- solitary road 僻静的路
- stony road 多石的路
- straight road 笔直的道路
- straight and easy road 阳关大道
- twisting road 弯弯曲曲的小路
- unpaved road 没有铺路面的路
- winding road 弯弯曲曲的道路
- wrong road 错路
- concrete road 混凝土路
- country road 乡间的道路
- dirt road 泥路
- mountain road 山路
- ring road 环形道路,环城公路
- service road (与主要公路平行的)辅助道路,便道
- slip road 汽车道的支路,岔道
- the Silk R- 丝绸之路
- toll road 收费道路
- trunk road 干道
- road block 路障
- road house 小客栈
- road roller 压路机
- road safety 行车安全
- road sign 路标
- road signals 路标
- road test 路测
- road transport 公路运输
- along the road 沿马路
- by road 由公路
- give sb a final glass for the road 举杯为某人饯行
- in the/sb's road 挡(某人的)路,妨碍(某人)
- bend in the road 道路的转弯处
- fork in the road 三岔路口
- maintenance of road 道路的养护
- on the road 在旅途中
- road from 从…来的路
- road to 通往…的路
- road to ruin 毁灭之途
- road to success 通往成功的道路
Going across fields, not being able to find the road.
出自: M. Webb -
Colin and Mary had to leave the pavement and walk in the road.
出自: I. McEwan -
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.