- [U]生命 ability to function and grow that distinguishes living animals and plants from dead ones and from rocks, metals, etc.
- [U]生物,活物 living things
- [U]人生,人的生存 state of being alive as a human being
- [U]生活 qualities, events and experiences that characterize existence as a human being
- [C]人命,性命 existence of an individual human being
- [C]一生,终身,终生 period between birth and death
- [C]生活方式 way of life
a characteristic state or mode of living;
"social life"
"city life"
"real life"
the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities;
"he could no longer cope with the complexities of life"
the course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living;
"he hoped for a new life in Australia"
"he wanted to live his own life without interference from others"
the condition of living or the state of being alive;
"while there's life there's hope"
"life depends on many chemical and physical processes"
the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death);
"the battery had a short life"
"he lived a long and happy life"
the period between birth and the present time;
"I have known him all his life"
the period from the present until death;
"he appointed himself emperor for life"
a living person;
"his heroism saved a life"
animation and energy in action or expression;
"it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it"
living things collectively;
"the oceans are teeming with life"
the organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones;
"there is no life on the moon"
an account of the series of events making up a person's life
a motive for living;
"pottery was his life"
a prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives;
"he got life for killing the guard"
- Surely, I will keep the secret for my whole life.
当然,我会一生保守这个秘密。 - He had a car accident and his life was in danger.
他遭遇车祸,有生命危险。 - I prefer country life to city life.
我喜爱乡村生活,不喜爱城市生活。 - As we know, life is often compared with a voyage.
- bring (back) to life
使复活,给…以活力 make sb/sth live again
bring sb/sth (back) to lifeThe weather was so hot that three people fainted, and we had to call a doctor to bring them to life.
This play brings to life an experience I had many years ago.
Once someone is died, he cannot be brought back to life.
- come to life
苏醒过来,开始有生气 become animated
- for life
终生,终身 through life
- for one's life
拼命地 in order to escape death
- for the life of one
无论如何 however
- from life
根据实物 depend upon the truth
- take (a) life
杀人 kill sb
- take one's life in one's hands
冒生命危险 risk being killed
- to the life
逼真的〔地〕,惟妙惟肖的〔地〕 copying or copied exactly
- add life 增加生气
- begin a life 开始生活
- better the life 改善生活
- breathe new life into sth 给予(某事物)生气
- bring back to life 使…苏醒,使…复活,使…生动活泼
- bring sb to life 救活某人
- carry one's life in one's hands 冒险
- change one's life 改变生活
- close one's life 结束一生
- come (back) to life 复活
- cost many lives 使许多人丧生
- cut short (sb's) life 缩短(某人的)生命
- end one's life 结束一生
- enjoy a life 过日子
- enter upon life 踏上社会
- face life 面对生活
- give one's life 献身
- lay down one's life 牺牲生命
- lead a life 过日子,过生活
- lead an easy life 过安乐生活
- light one's whole life 摧残某人的一生
- live a life 过日子
- live out a natural life 终其天年
- lose one's life 丧生
- love (a) life 热爱生活
- make a new life 创造新生活
- pass one's life 打发日子
- put new life into sb 给某人带来新的希望
- save sb's life 救某人的命
- see life 见世面,长阅历
- seek sb's life 想谋害某人
- sell (one's) life 出卖生命,卖命
- sleep one's life away 混日子,虚度光阴
- spare sb's life 饶某人一命
- spend one's life 度过一生
- stand life 忍受生活
- start a new life 开始新的生活
- take a life 夺去生命
- take on life 显得栩栩如生
- take one's own life 自杀
- trouble life 扰乱生活
- understand life 懂得人生
- value one's life 珍惜生命
- waste one's life 浪费生命
- active life 快乐的生活,活跃的生活
- better life 更美好的生活
- busy life 忙碌的生活
- common life 平凡的一生
- country life 乡村生活
- daily life 日常生活
- dear life 宝贵的生命
- difficult life 艰难的生活
- double life 双重人格的生活
- early life 早期生活
- easy life 舒适的生活
- empty life 空虚的生活
- equal life 平等的生活
- foreign life 国外生活
- free life 自由生活
- full life 经历丰富的生活
- good life 好生活
- happy life 幸福生活
- hard life 困苦的日子
- honest life 诚实的生活
- human life 人类的生活
- level life 单调的生活
- long life 长寿
- material life 物质生活
- modern life 现代化生活
- national life 国民生活
- new life 新生活
- noble life 高尚的生活
- outside life 外面的生活
- past life 过去的生活,昔日生活
- peaceful life 安宁平静的生活
- personal life 个人生活
- plain life 简朴的生活
- political life 政治生涯
- public life 公务
- quiet life 安宁平静的生活
- regular life 有规律的生活
- short life 短暂的一生,短命
- simple life 简朴的生活,退休生活,孤独的生活
- useful life 有益的一生
- whole life 一生
- wild life 放纵的生活
- animal and plant life 动植物生态
- army life 军旅生涯
- art life 艺术生涯
- city life 城市生活
- college life 大学生活
- country life 乡村生活
- day life 平凡的生活,日常的生活
- family life 家庭生活
- farm yard life 农场生活
- home life 家庭生活
- navy life 海军生活
- night life 夜生活
- student life 学生生活
- town life 都市生活
- university life 大学生活
- village life 乡村的生活方式
- life boat 救生艇
- life breath 维持生命的呼吸
- life car 救生吊车
- life class 写生课
- life force 生命力
- life history 生活史
- life member 终身会员
- above life 高于生命
- between life and death 生死之间
- during sb's life 在某人的一生中
- for life 终身
- for one's life 拼命地
- from (the) life 从原物,拿原物做范本,模拟实物
- in life 在世间
- in sb's life 在某人的生活中
- every walk of life 各行各业
- experience of life 人生阅历
- rest of life 余生
- the quality of life 生活质量
- way of life 生活方式
- the course of one's life 一个人的生活道路
- the first half of one's life 在前半生
- on your life 绝对
- true to life 逼真的
- to the life 逼真的
- life after death 来世的生活
- life at 在…的生活
- life for (a) life 以命偿命
- life of the working people 劳动人民的生活
- life of pleasure 享乐生活
- life of plenty 富足的生活
- life of the people 人民生活
The start of life is traditionally identified with the first breath.
出自: Jonathan Miller -
Today we understand how man, and life has arisen on Earth.
出自: P. Davies