- adv. 刚才;仅仅;正好;正是;简直
- adj. 公平的;公正的;适当的;精确的
- 刚才,方才,刚刚
- 仅仅,只是
- 正好,恰好,正要
- 请
- 非常
- 此时,那时,眼下
- 只不过
- 勉强地,差一点就
- 就
- <口>实在,绝对
- 合理的,有充分根据的
- 正义的,正直的,公正的
- 恰当的,适当的,合适的
- 公平的,公道的
- 应得的
- 正确的,精确的
- 正当的
- 合法的
- 贾斯特(音译名)
- 正好,恰好 exactly
- 只是,仅仅 only; no more than
- 刚才,方才 only a short time ago; only now and not sooner
- 勉强地 almost not; hardly
- 公道的; 公正的; 公平的 acting or being in accordance with what is morally right and proper; fair
- 合理的,有充分根据的 reasonable; well-founded
used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting;
"a just and lasting peace"
"a kind and just man"
"a just reward"
"his just inheritance"
fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience;
"equitable treatment of all citizens"
"an equitable distribution of gifts among the children"
free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established standards or rules;
"a fair referee"
"fair deal"
"on a fair footing"
"a fair fight"
"by fair means or foul"
of moral excellence;
"a genuinely good person"
"a just cause"
"an upright and respectable man"
and nothing more;
"I was merely asking"
"it is simply a matter of time"
"just a scratch"
"he was only a child"
"hopes that last but a moment"
indicating exactness or preciseness;
"he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"
"it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"
"it has just enough salt"
only a moment ago;
"he has just arrived"
"the sun just now came out"
"I just can't take it anymore"
"he was just grand as Romeo"
"it's simply beautiful!"
only a very short time before;
"they could barely hear the speaker"
"we hardly knew them"
"just missed being hit"
"had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open"
"would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave"
exactly at this moment or the moment described;
"we've just finished painting the walls, so don't touch them"
- This is the thing you just left.
这是您刚才忘在这里的东西。 - I am just teasing you; you need not be nervous.
我仅仅是在跟你闹着玩,你不要紧张。 - I'm sorry, but I am just on my way out.
很抱歉,我正好要出门。 - To our great joy, your goods arrived just in time.
令我们欣喜若狂的是,你的物资来的正是时候。 - I am just starving.
- Our aim is a just and lasting peace.
我们的目标是维持一个公平而持久和平的世界。 - Many Americans no longer viewed it as a just war.
许多美国人不再认为那是一场正义的战争。 - You have received a just reward.
你已得到了应有的报酬。 - We made a just assessment of the situation.
- it is just as well
也是好事,倒也不错 it is a good thing
- it would be just as well
是明智的 it is advisable
- just about
- just as one〔it is〕
不特意装饰或改变; 保持原样 without any special decoration or alteration
- just in case
以防万一 as a precaution
- just like that
突然,冷不防地; 莫名其妙地 suddenly, without warning or explanation
- just now
立刻,正要 be about to do
- just so
精确地 precisely
- just the same
仍然,还是 nevertheless
- not just yet
并非现在,但可能不久 not at this present moment but probably quite soon
- one might just as well be〔do〕 sth
这样也好 one would not benefit from being or doing otherwise
- just finish 刚刚完成
- just leave 刚刚离开
- just shut 请关一下
- just think 试想一下
- just try 请试一下
- just at present 刚好在这时,就在目前
- just in time 正好及时地
- just now 刚才,眼下,马上
- just there 就在那儿
- just after supper 就在晚饭后
- just after the meeting 就在会议后
- just as it is 恰好如此,完全照原样
- just by the river 就在河边
- just of that place 就在那地方
- just action 正义的行动
- just anger 有缘由的怒气
- just cause 正义的事业
- just conduct 公正的行动
- just decision 公正的裁决
- just description 真实的描述
- just fear 有理由的害怕
- just indignation 义愤
- just life 正直的生活
- just man 正直的人
- just opinion 合理的意见
- just praise 应得的称赞
- just price 公平的价格
- just sentence 公正的判决
- just stand 正确的立场
- just war 正义的战争
- just in one's dealings 待人处事正直
- just to people 对人诚实(真诚)
- just towards 对…公正的
He had decided, as he was a just and logical person, that her sex was immaterial.
出自: D. Francis -
Twelve jurors who had seemed..to be just and upright and unprejudiced men.
出自: J. C. Oates -
They had been standing just by the drawing-room door.
出自: T. Hardy -
It is impossible to say just what I mean!
出自: T. S. Eliot -
Someone dropped a ruler just then.
出自: C. P. Snow -
You are just the person I was looking for.
出自: R. K. Narayan -
He remembered now: it was just three years ago.
出自: G. Greene -
He looked just like an ordinary boy.
出自: J. Simms