The whine of the motors jangled her nerves. 馬達的鬧聲使她的神經受不了。
There were a few whines and whimpers about policy changes. 關於政策的變動有一些抱怨和不滿。
They do not sweat and whine about their condition. 它們並不對它們的處境牢騷煩惱。
I can no longer abide the young people of our country who live off their parents and the fat of the land and then they find nothing better to do than whine and complain. 我再也無法忍受我們國家那些年輕人,離開他們的雙親和肥沃的土地,然後他們發現什麼也做不了,只有滿腹的牢騷和怨氣。