The horse recovered itself after stumble. 馬絆倒后又站起來了。
He read well, with only a few small stumbles. 他讀得很好,只是有一些小小的錯誤。
用作動詞 (v.)
stumble across (v.+prep.)
碰見,發現 meet or discover by chance stumble across sb/sth
Guess who I stumbled across?
Police investigating tax fraud stumbled across a drugs ring.
stumble on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
偶然發現 discover sth by chanceI stumbled on some letters of yours in a trunk.我偶然在箱子里發現了一些你的信。
stumble over (v.+prep.)
結結巴巴地說 speak in a hesitating way, with pauses and mistakesAfter stumbling over the introduction because of his nervousness, he delivered the rest of the speech smoothly.他由於緊張,導言部分講得結結巴巴的,但其餘的他都講得很流暢。
stumble through (v.+prep.)
結結巴巴地說; 怯場 give a performance in an awkward and unsure manner stumble through sth
The chairman stumbled through his opening speech as if he were afraid of making a mistake.
At least Adden never stumbles through a performance, he can always be trusted to sing well.