- vt. & vi. 講; 談 say in words; talk
- vt. & vi. 演說; 演講 make a speech
express in speech;
"She talks a lot of nonsense"
"This depressed patient does not verbalize"
exchange thoughts; talk with;
"We often talk business"
"Actions talk louder than words"
use language;
"the baby talks already"
"the prisoner won't speak"
"they speak a strange dialect"
give a speech to;
"The chairman addressed the board of trustees"
make a characteristic or natural sound;
"The drums spoke"
- Does anyone speak English here?
這兒有人會說英語嗎? - I'm quite capable of speaking for myself, thank you!
我還是有能力把話說清楚的,謝謝你吧。 - The patient is too weak to speak.
病人太衰弱了,不能說話。 - He will speak on the air this evening.
今晚他將在廣播中演說。 - The orator tried to speak,but the crowd simply laughed him down.
那個演說家要講話,但是群眾卻用笑加以阻止。 - Please speak to the subject under discussion.
請針對討論的問題發言。 - It is the first time that I speak in public.
- speak about (v.+prep.)
提到… mention or talk openly about sth/sb
speak about sb/sthWe don't speak about that unfortunate period in our family history.
Nice people don't speak about such unpleasant matters.
- speak for (v.+prep.)
不言而喻 need no further explanation〔說明〕 speak for作此解時通常不用於進行體。
- speak of (v.+prep.)
談到,講到 talk about; mention in speaking
speak of sthShe spoke of the government's plans for the unemployed.
I have never spoken of these things to anyone before.
In his lecture, he spoke of the increasing use of computers.
It is nothing to speak of.
Whom have you been speaking of?
That is the museum that I spoke of just now.
The lecturer spoke of many things relating to chemistry.
We defy death,not to speak of hardships and difficulties.
- speak out (v.+adv.)
大膽講; 毫無保留地說出 speak boldly, freely, and plainly
speak outWe've been silent for too long, it's time to speak out.
Speak out—don't be afraid.
I was determined to speak out.
speak out against sthI am going to speak out against the committee's decision.
I expect you to speak out against tyranny when the time comes.
He spoke out against the plan because he thought it was too costly.
- speak to (v.+prep.)
責備〔提醒,請求〕 speak severely to; admonish; ask sb to do sth
speak to sb/sthDid you speak to him in English?
Could you come and speak to our Literary Society?
She was afraid to be seen speaking to me.
Few noble persons ever spoke to those of humble origins but to give an order.
speak sth to sbHe has spoken his mind to me.
I am angry and I want a chance to speak my mind to the director.
speak to sb/sthHe did not speak to the subject.
We must speak to the topic under discussion.
He spoke to the question.
I can speak to his veracity.
He did not speak to the point.
speak to sbHe was late again today; it's time you spoke to that boy.
I'll speak to him about his rudeness at the meeting.
The manager spoke to John about his slackness in work.
- speak up (v.+adv.)
大聲講 speak more loudly
speak upThe teacher asked the shy little girl to speak up.
Would you please speak up, as we can't hear you?
His talk is interesting but I do wish he'd speak up.
- speak English 講英語
- speak four languages 講四種語言
- speak one's mind 坦白直言
- speak one's piece 說想說的話
- speak the same language 有共同語言
- speak the truth 講實話
- speak accurately 準確地說
- speak admirably 說得很好
- speak aloud 大聲地說
- speak agreeably 說得很中聽
- speak amorously 一往情深地說
- speak approvingly 贊成地說
- speak articulately 說得清楚
- speak badly 講得不好
- speak bitterly 沉痛地說
- speak bluntly 直截了當地說
- speak boldly 大膽地講出來
- speak briefly 扼要地說
- speak broadly 一般地說
- speak brokenly 斷斷續續地說
- speak candidly 坦白地說
- speak cautiously 謹慎地說
- speak circuitously 拐彎抹角地說
- speak civilly 彬彬有禮地說
- speak comparatively 相對說來
- speak decisively 很堅定地說
- speak disrespectfully 毫不尊敬地說
- speak distinctly 講清楚
- speak falsely 錯誤地說
- speak feelingly 富有感情地說
- speak firmly 堅定地說
- speak fluently 流利地說
- speak frankly 坦率地說
- speak freely 無拘無束地說
- speak generally 總體上說來
- speak glibly 伶牙俐齒地說
- speak harshly 嚴厲地說
- speak highly 讚揚地說
- speak incoherently 說話語無倫次
- speak idiomatically 用地道的語言說
- speak intelligibly 說得清楚明白
- speak interestingly 說話風趣
- speak ironically 諷刺地說
- speak legally 從法律上來說
- speak lightly 輕蔑地說
- speak naturally 自然地說
- speak nervously 緊張不安地說
- speak objectively 客觀地說
- speak passionately 熱情地說
- speak philosophically 從哲學上來說
- speak plainly 明白地說
- speak practically 實際上說
- speak properly 確切地說
- speak quickly 說得很快
- speak roughly 粗魯地說
- speak slightingly 輕蔑地說
- speak softly 溫和地說話
- speak technically 從技術上來說
- speak truthfully 誠實地說
- speak unkindly 不友好地說
- speak vulgarly 說話粗魯
- speak warmly 親切地說
- speak aside 旁白
- speak down to sb 以上司口吻對某人說話
- speak out 大聲講,毫無顧慮地說出
- speak out against these abuses 發言反對這些弊病
- speak out one's mind 說出心裡話
- speak out one's thought 把想法說出來
- speak up 說大聲點,把…說出來
- speak about 談起
- speak about politics 談論政治
- speak against 對(某事)提意見
- speak at a large gathering 在一次大型集會上演講
- speak by the book 說話確切
- speak for 作為…的代言人
- speak for itself 不言而喻
- speak for oneself 為自己辯護,發表個人意見
- speak for sb to the director 代表…向主任進言
- speak for tea 要求喝茶
- speak for the accused 為被告辯護
- speak from 憑…說
- speak from experience 根據經驗說話
- speak from memory 憑記憶講
- speak from notes 照提綱講
- speak from the heart 憑良心說
- speak in 用…交談
- speak in English 用英語講話
- speak of 談及…
- speak ill of 說…壞話
- speak well of 說…好話
- speak of the old days on the campus 談起昔日的校園生活
- speak of the writer's childhood 談及這個作家的童年
- speak on a subject 談論某個問題
- speak on the topic 講這個題目
- speak over the radio 做廣播講話
- speak through an interpreter 通過譯員講話
- speak to 針對…說話,與…談話
- speak to brick wall 對牛彈琴
- speak to nobody 對誰也不講
- speak to oneself 自言自語
- speak to the crowd 對人群說話
- speak to the subject 說到主題
- speak under one's breath 低聲講話
- speak with effect 說話算數
- speak with effort 講話很吃力
- speak with sb in private 私下和…談話
- speak with tears in one's eyes 眼淚汪汪地說
It was fair the speak of the place that happening early in April.
出自: L. G. Gibbon -
The one who spoke had a broad Lancashire accent.
出自: J. Wain -
William found her very weak and unable to speak distinctly.
出自: G. Battiscombe -
No one spoke except about the weather.
出自:Encounter -
He must speak to this woman.
出自: P. Fitzgerald