"My nose is all stuffed"
"Her arteries are blocked"
用作名詞 (n.)
The striker has a lug that interacts with the sear and is used to hold the striker in the cocked position. 下手幫手有一個與柄互動的那枯萎的而且用來在被聳立的位置中捉住下手幫手。
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
I had to lug my bags up to the fourth floor. 我只得費勁地把我的幾個包拖上五樓。
At nine his father, a naturalist who had started a reptile park on the Queensland coast, taught him to stalk crocs at night and lug them out of the water. 在他九歲那年,他的父親,一名自然學家,在昆士蘭州海岸開設了一家爬蟲類公園,教他在夜裡追蹤鱷魚的蹤跡,並將它們拖出水面。
It is such a shame to use such a fine beast to lug salt. 這麼好的馬,用它拉沉重的鹽太可惜了。