an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect;
"his parting shot was `drop dead'"
"she threw shafts of sarcasm"
"she takes a dig at me every chance she gets"
be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics;
"The two stories don't agree in many details"
"The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"
"The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"
shift from one side of the ship to the other;
"The sail jibbed wildly"
用作動詞 (v.)
She jibed his folly. 她嘲笑他的愚行。
Your statement doesn't jibe with the facts. 你的說法與事實不符。
Her story didn't jibe with the witnesses' account. 她的說法和證人的描述有出入。
His words do not jibe with his actions 他說的和做的不一致(言行不一)。