- n. 錘;榔頭
- vi. 錘擊;反覆敲打
- vt. 錘打;嚴厲批評
- 擊鐵,(小木)槌,榔頭,鐵鎚,錘骨,鑼錘,杵錘,槌(錘)狀物,錘
- 鏈球,擲鏈球(運動)
- <俚>油門
- 【機】唇錘
- 【音】音槌,音錘
- 哈默是丹麥製造的導彈快艇
- (接連)錘打,錘擊,錘薄,使錘成,把...錘進,用錘釘入,錘制
- 努力不懈於,努力干,孜孜以求
- 痛打,猛踢,猛擊
- 宣布已無償還能力
- 硬灌,強迫灌輸(思想)給,反覆強調,反覆講透,重點講清
- <口>(猛轟)使慘敗,將(對手)徹底擊敗,輕易打敗(對方)
- 敲,釘,(反覆)敲打,連續擊打
- 用力踢球得分
- 嚴厲批評
- [C]錘,鐵鎚 hand tool with a heavy metal head
- vt. & vi. 錘打 hit or beat sth with a hammer or as if with a hammer
- vt. 擊敗 fight off; beat off
the part of a gunlock that strikes the percussion cap when the trigger is pulled
a hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle; used to deliver an impulsive force by striking
the ossicle attached to the eardrum
a light drumstick with a rounded head that is used to strike such percussion instruments as chimes, kettledrums, marimbas, glockenspiels, etc.
a heavy metal sphere attached to a flexible wire; used in the hammer throw
a striker that is covered in felt and that causes the piano strings to vibrate
a power tool for drilling rocks
the act of pounding (delivering repeated heavy blows);
"the sudden hammer of fists caught him off guard"
"the pounding of feet on the hallway"
beat with or as if with a hammer;
"hammer the metal flat"
create by hammering;
"hammer the silver into a bowl"
"forge a pair of tongues"
- He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer.
他用一把鎚子把釘子打進牆裡去。 - He smashed a hole in the window with a hammer.
他用鎚子在玻璃上打了個洞。 - He took a hammer and recessed a hole into the wall.
- He dashed into the porch and began to hammer on the door.
他衝上門廊用力捶起門來。 - The teacher has been trying to hammer in the facts.
- The police hammered the door.
警察不停地敲門。 - Her latest movie was hammered by the critics.
- come under the hammer
被拍賣be sold at auction
- hammer at (v.+prep.)
不斷致力於 devote to
- hammer away at (v.+adv.+prep.)
不斷地做 work constantly and with great effort
hammer away at sth/v-ingHe hammered away at his speech for 3 hours.
The teacher hammers away at the multiplication tables.
The president hammered away at meeting the increasing need for housing.
- hammer down (v.+adv.)
不斷錘擊使成形 shape by continuous hammering
- hammer home (v.+adv.)
費盡全力讓某人理解 try extremely hard to make sb understand or realize sth
hammer sth ⇔ homeThe speaker hammered his point home with examples that the listeners could not deny.
- hammer in (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉反覆灌輸,不斷地努力強調 inculcate or emphasize by continuous hard effort
- hammer into (v.+prep.)
〈非正〉反覆灌輸 teach sth to sb by forceful repetition
hammer sth into sthHe hammered the nails into the wall.
hammer sth into sthThe natives used to hammer the metal into arrowheads, using heavy stones.
hammer sth into sbThat teacher is wasting his effort trying to hammer useless facts into such children.
Parents often try to hammer into their children how much they owe them.
I can't hammer anything into his thick head.
- hammer on (v.+prep.)
用力敲打 beat or knock loudly on sth
hammer on sthThose people next door have been hammering on the walls again.
Two bandits were hammering on the door of the hall.
- hammer out (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉開始演奏,彈奏出 strike up
- hammer a nail 釘釘子
- hammer a picture frame 釘相框
- hammer a piece of iron 打鐵
- hammer a team 擊敗一支隊伍
- hammer accurately 準確地錘打
- hammer adroitly〔professionally〕 熟練地錘打
- hammer boldly 大膽地錘打
- hammer carefully〔cautiously〕 小心地錘打
- hammer decisively 決定性地錘打
- hammer falteringly 猶豫地錘打
- hammer habitually 慣常地錘打
- hammer impetuously 急躁地錘打
- hammer inadvertently 非故意地錘打
- hammer incessantly 持續不斷地錘打
- hammer ineffectually 效果不佳地錘打
- hammer insidiously 不知不覺地錘打
- hammer leisurely 悠閑地錘打
- hammer necessarily 有必要地錘打
- hammer occasionally 偶爾地錘打
- hammer patiently 耐心地錘打
- hammer rapidly 急劇地錘打
- hammer repetitiously 反覆地錘打
- hammer savagely 野蠻地錘打
- hammer skillfully 靈活地錘打
- hammer spontaneously 自然地錘打
- hammer superhumanly 超出常人能力地錘打
- hammer unhesitatingly 毫不猶豫地錘打
- hammer uniformly 始終如一地錘打
- hammer untiringly 不知疲倦地錘打
- hammer usefully 有效地錘打
- hammer voluntarily 有意地錘打
- hammer in 用錘敲進,猛力衝破(某物)
- hammer in the door 破門而入
- hammer out 錘成,鍛造出,彈奏,用力去完成
- hammer out metal 錘金屬
- hammer out a plan 經過仔細斟酌制定出計劃
- hammer away at 埋頭於,連續向…射擊,反覆講
- hammer away at the enemy positions 向敵人陣地連續轟擊
- hammer away at a pile of work 埋頭於一大堆工作
- hammer away at a problem 努力研究某個問題
- hammer at 用錘釘,敲打,連續地用力打(門等)或彈奏(鋼琴等)
- hammer at the door 錘門
- hammer at the piano 彈鋼琴
- hammer into 把…打成…,向(某人)反覆灌輸(某種思想、觀點等)
He was one with..the hammer that sent nails in cleanly at two blows.
出自: J. Gardner -
The man was hammering a piece of metal, with quick, light blows.
出自: D. H. Lawrence -
Mark Loram..hammered in a stunning 14th minute goal.
出自:Lancashire Evening Telegraph -
The pianist began to hammer out a tune on the battered piano.
出自: T. C. Wolfe
- pound 磅
- hit 打(擊)
- knock 敲擊
- beat 打
- drive 開車
- mallet 木槌
- bang 巨響
- drill 鑽孔機
- repeat 重複
- strike 罷工
- nail 釘子
- batter 猛擊
- drum 鼓
- pummel 猛擊
- rap 輕敲
- punch 按(鍵)
- pelt 皮毛
- power hammer 機動錘, 動力錘, 電錘...
- malleus 錘骨
- hammering 錘擊的聲音
- cock 雄禽
- forge 鍛造
- pounding 重擊聲