- n. 顏色;顏料;彩色;膚色
- vt. 給 ... 著色;渲染;影響
- vi. 染色;臉紅
- =color(美)
- 色彩,顏色,彩色
- 顏料,染料,圖畫顏料
- 膚色,臉色
- 情調,風格,格調
- 個性,特色
- 色調
- 【繪畫】著色
- 色素
- 血色,粉紅,紅潤
- 【音】音色
- 【紋章學】(紋章所使用的)傳統色(通常包括赤、青、綠、黑、紫色)
- 【新聞學】色彩新聞(能給素材增色的信息、背景知識)
- 【物理學】「色」,「色」性,「色」態(夸克的假設特性) [亦作color]
- 【法律】明顯的或表面擁有的權利或根據
- =color(美)
- 給...著色,給...上色,給…塗色 ,染,使帶上色彩
- 使具有特徵,使生色,使生動
- 影響,左右,支配
- 粉飾,歪曲,渲染,誇張
- 變色,變成有色的,獲得顏色
- 臉紅,羞愧
- [U]彩色 the quality in objects which can be seen
- [C]顏色 red, blue, green, etc.
- [S][U]臉色,氣色 the general appearance of a person's skin
- [C]膚色 the color of a person's skin showing which race they belong to
- [U]特色,個性; 情調 details or behavior of a place, thing, or person, that interest the mind or eye and excite the imagination; character
- [C][U]顏料 substance used to give color to sth
- vi. 變紅; 臉紅 take on or change colour; become red in the face
- vt. 著色; 渲染 cause sth to have colour; give a special effect or feeling to (a person, event, etc.)
any material used for its color;
"she used a different color for the trim"
a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks)
(physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction;
"each flavor of quarks comes in three colors"
interest and variety and intensity;
"the Puritan Period was lacking in color"
"the characters were delineated with exceptional vividness"
the timbre of a musical sound;
"the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music"
a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect;
"a white color is made up of many different wavelengths of light"
an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading;
"he hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity"
"he tried to give his falsehood the gloss of moral sanction"
"the situation soon took on a different color"
the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a person's perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation
having or capable of producing colors;
"color film"
"he rented a color television"
"marvelous color illustrations"
modify or bias;
"His political ideas color his lectures"
decorate with colors;
"color the walls with paint in warm tones"
give a deceptive explanation or excuse for;
"color a lie"
affect as in thought or feeling;
"My personal feelings color my judgment in this case"
"The sadness tinged his life"
add color to;
"The child colored the drawings"
"Fall colored the trees"
"colorize black and white film"
change color, often in an undesired manner;
"The shirts discolored"
- She painted the window sills a bright colour.
她把窗檯漆上鮮艷的顏色。 - His dress is very similar to mine in colour.
他衣服的顏色和我衣服的很相似。 - That colour doesn't suit your complexion.
那顏色不適合你的膚色。 - Colour is often an additive in foods.
顏料經常是各種食物中的添加物。 - Either dye or paints are used to colour cloth.
不論是染料還是顏料都是用來染布的。 - The printer will output colour graph.
這台印表機將輸出彩色圖表。 - Children enjoy watching colour TV.
兒童喜歡看彩色電視。 - The natives were intrigued with the colour of our skin.
- The wind of the autumn colour the maples carmine .
秋風給楓林塗抹胭紅。 - He hashed a phrase in order to colour the sentence.
他反覆推敲一個習語以使該句增色。 - News is often coloured.
新聞報道常常被誇張。 - Don't allow personal loyalty to colour your judgement.
不要因講義氣而影響了你的判斷。 - A judge can't let personal feelings colour his decisions.
- The leaves start to colour in autumn.
樹葉在秋天開始變色。 - She coloured with embarrassment at his remarks.
- give a false colour to
歪曲 give a wrong character or tone
- give sb his colours
把某人選入運動隊 choose sb to be one of sports team members
- haul down one's colours
妥協,投降,認輸 yield; admit defeat
- lay on the colours
誇大 exaggerate
- lend colour to
使顯得更真實或更可信 make sth seem more likely
- lower one's colours
放棄要求 give up one's demand
- nail colours to the mast
明確表示自己的觀點; 闡明觀點 declare one's opinion
- off colour
色澤不佳; 身體不舒服 not in good health
- put false colour upon
歪曲 distort
- sail under false colours
冒充,欺騙 be a hypocrite or impostor
- see in its true colours
看清某事的真面目 see the truth of a thing
see sth in its true coloursIt's not easy to see the matter in its true colours.
- see the colour of sb's money
接受某人的錢 receive one's money
- show one's true colour
露出真面目 show what one really is
- stick to one's colour
堅持自己的觀點refuse to change one's opinion or party
- with flying colours
出色地 outstanding; remarkable
- colour in (v.+prep.)
給…著色 fill in with colour
colour in sthThe child was colouring in a series of outline drawings.
- colour up (v.+adv.)
誇大 exaggerate
colour upShe coloured up at the young man's name.
He coloured up with annoyance.
colour sth ⇔ upSome journalists like to colour their stories up with alluring details of people's private lives.
- add colour 添色
- alter〔turn〕 colour 改變顏色
- assume colour 呈一色
- blend colour 混合顏色
- change colour 變色
- gain〔lose〕 colour 臉色變得紅潤〔臉色變得蒼白〕
- give〔lend〕 colour to 使…顯得可信,給…增添色彩
- have a high colour 臉色紅潤
- match the colour of sth 與某物的顏色相稱
- put in colours 著色
- wear colours 穿有色彩的衣服
- beautiful〔bright, clear〕 colour 美麗〔鮮明,清晰〕的顏色
- cold〔warm〕 colour 冷〔暖〕色
- fashionable〔prevalent〕 colour 流行色
- local〔political〕 colour 地方〔政治〕色彩
- organic colour 有機顏料
- pink colour 粉色
- protective colour 保護色
- rich colour 豐富的色彩
- soft colour 柔和的顏色
- tender colour 溫柔的臉色
- tinting colour 著色顏料
- transparent colour 透明色彩
- watery colour 水彩色
- colour film〔photo〕 彩色電影〔照片〕
- film in colour 彩色電影
- in dark colours 悲觀地
- people of all colours 各色人種
- under the colour of friendship 以友誼為借口
- without colour 不加渲染
- colour all the shapes 把所有的圖形都塗上了顏色
- colour cloth 染布
- colour news 渲染消息
- colour one's testimony 歪曲證詞
- colour tales 誇張故事
- colour the picture 給圖畫上色
- colour amusingly 染上令人吃驚的顏色
- colour angrily 染上令人生氣的顏色
- colour brilliantly 染上明亮的顏色
- colour conspicuously 染上顯而易見的顏色
- colour distinctly 染上截然不同的顏色
- colour emotionally 染上令人激動的顏色
- colour enchantingly 染上令人著迷的顏色
- colour exquisitely 染上精美的顏色
- colour faintly 染上暗淡的顏色
- colour garishly 染上鮮艷奪目的顏色
- colour gorgeously 染上華麗的顏色
- colour harmoniously 染上和諧的顏色
- colour highly 染上十分好的顏色
- colour incredibly 驚人地臉紅
- colour lavishly 染上過分的顏色
- colour necessarily 必要地著色
- colour normally 正常地塗色
- colour obscurely 染上不清楚的顏色
- colour painfully 染上令人痛心的顏色
- colour synthetically 染上綜合性的顏色
- colour unevenly 染上不均的顏色
- colour violently 猛勁地渲染
- colour up 臉紅,誇大
- colour by 受到…影響,帶有…意向
- colour in 著色
- colour with 用…著色
Her hair..was a rich auburn colour.
出自: Day Lewis -
The colours the Duke preferred were gay and warm; no greens, blues, black or white.
出自: E. Longford -
Finish the picture by joining the dots...Colour it with crayons or felt-tips.
出自:Church Times -
Her dances are romantically coloring the world after nature.
出自:Globe Mail (Toronto)