- 如果你遇到這樣的場合,人們會說「Can you lend a hand?」或者「Can you give a hand?」或者「We need helping hands。」And if you have a situation like that,everyone always says"Can you lend a hand? " or"Can you give a hand? " or"We need helping hands."
- 比如英國人寫「colour」和「honour」,For example, @colour@ and @honour@ are British.
- 挪亞使用「color」,來替代英國英語中的「colour」等。Noah used American spellings like color instead of the English colour
- 這個典故使作品帶古典味。Lend也用於固定片語如平等租借交換和放債者中。The allusions lend the work a classical tone. Lendis also required in fixed expressions such as lend-lease and moneylender.
- 例如將「colour」改為了「color」,把「centre」改為了「center」,such as changing colour to color and centre to center
- 這個典故使作品帶古典味。lend也用於固定片語如平等租借交換和放債者中The allusions lend the work a classical tone.Lendis also required in fixed expressions such as lend - lease and moneylender.
- 「give」的意思與「認為」相同。as in the expressions give thought to.
- 或者"Can you give a hand?"or "Can you give a hand?"
- 英語中,不定式往往與"to"字連用。In English an infinitive is often used with the word "to".
- 讓big fish give me a castle.Husband, go back to the seashore
- 讓big fish give me a palace.I want to be a queen.
- (接「to」)排他性的適用於特定的種類、情況或者地點。(followed by'to') applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality.
- TO試劑TO
- 用「give」這個詞的正確形式填空。Fill the blanks with the correct form of the word "give".
- TO封裝TO packaging
- 說不定the king will give me a lot of money.I will use the money to buy a lot of wood.
- To病毒To virus
- 讓big fish give me a big, beautiful house.I want to live in a big, beautiful house.
- 介詞topreposition "to"
- TO系列管座電鍍工藝Electroplating process for TO series tube socket