a toxic nonmetallic element related to sulfur and tellurium; occurs in several allotropic forms; a stable grey metallike allotrope conducts electricity better in the light than in the dark and is used in photocells; occurs in sulfide ores (as pyrite)
the compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees
"But it's important to remember this is not about the technology, per se; It's about how it is used, " says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel, one of the study's sponsors. "然而,重要的是不要忘記這與技術本身是無關的,問題在於如何使用網際網路。"這項研究的發起人之一、心理學家、英特爾公司的克里斯廷·賴利說。
He had different clothes for every hour of the day. One day two cheats came to se the Emperor. 每天每個小時他都要換一套不同的衣服。一天,有兩個騙子來見皇帝。
The drug is not harmful per se, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol. 該葯本身並無害處,但與酒類同服則有危險。