



  • - (顯著) outstanding; notable; striking:

    clear; evident; obvious; 昭著

    outstanding; distinguished; eminent 卓著

  • - (顯出) show; prove; display:

    prove rather effective; 頗著成效

    show its natural colour 著其本色

    - (寫作) write; compose:

    compile; write; 編著

    put down in writing; record 著錄

  • - (著作) work; writings; book:

    a translation; 譯著

    monumental work; 巨著



  1. 展覽會上陳列著所有的新產品。
    All the new products were on show at the exhibition.
  2. 他要求他們把他著作的銷售情況隨時告訴他。
    He asked them to keep him posted about the sales of his book.
  3. 他把晚年用在教書和編纂以前的著作。
    He spent his last years (in) teaching and editing earlier writings.
  4. 這是有關這個問題的權威著作之一。
    This is one of the standard books on the subject.
  5. 知道她成長的背景是理解她著作的基礎。
    A knowledge of her upbringing is basic to an understanding of her books.
  6. 你讀過那個著名的批評家寫的這篇文章嗎?
    Have you read the article written by that famous critic?
  7. 他的著作里用了很多典故。
    His writings are full of classical allusions.
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