- “You are guilty of terminological inexactitude. ”(你用语不确切。)等等。
- terminological inexactitude 谎言
- The proposed amendments are mainly terminological changes. 建议的修改大多仅属用语上的更改。
- Another is helpful to create a computer-based terminological server system. 其二有助于建立计算机上的专业词汇服务系统。
- A committee was appointed to recommend terminological standardization. 一个委员会被指定来推广术语标准化。
- Due to the model"s inexactitude of traditional Kalman filter, we discuss adaptive filtering and BP neural network which are the improvement of traditional Kalman filter. 由于传统卡尔曼滤波算法模型建立的近似性,本文讨论了自适应滤波算法和BP神经网络理论,它们是对传统卡尔曼滤波算法的改进和突破。
- For our purposes, the difference between these two views can be seen as terminological. 对我们的目的来说,这两个观点之间的差异,能够被视为术语上的。
- The article corrected the inexactitude conceptions of gravitational shock, swoon by low blood pressure when standing and swoon by blood vessel dilatation. 该文对“重力性休克”、“直立位低血压性晕厥”、“血管扩张性晕厥”这三个欠严谨的概念进行了必要的修正。
- From Information Science to Informatics: a Terminological Investigation.Journal of Librarianship, 4, pp.157-187. 黄铭焞译(2000),社会科学研究法社会关系研究取向(上),桂冠,台北,页359。
- There are lots of terminological resources on the web and continually increasing day by day. 在全球资讯网上已有许多资源每天持续产生新的术语。
- JH: Frankly I think a lot of it is just terminological confusion of ego with egotism. 坦白地说,我认为这样观点大多数是定义上对自我和自我主义的混淆。
- Abstract: Term and terminological usage taking great part in Russian science language are discussed in this paper and can be referred to the scientific and technical translation. 文摘:术语及术语化问题是俄语科学语体中的重点和难点。本文分析了科学语体中术语的特点及术语化的各种情况,为科技翻译提供了最有力的借鉴。
- The delicate and sometimes bellicose wrangling between China and Taiwan has long demanded painstaking terminological finesse. 长期以来,中国与台湾地区间微妙(有些时候甚至敏感)的争执,需要令人痛苦的术语技巧。
- A new terminological scheme for the wing venation of Myrmeleontidae was proposed based on the comparative morphological study. 基于比较形态学的研究,对蚁蛉前后翅脉序主干同源性进行了论证,提出了一套新的蚁蛉脉序命名系统。
- However, even to define discourse markers is not an easy task since there appears the terminological diversity of the term discourse markers. 熟练掌握话语标记语不仅可以帮助我们使交际得以顺利进行,而且可以达到连贯的作用。
- They are the lexically identical terms and unique terminological systems labeled with a distinctive social and cultural nature. 前者丰富、复杂,而后者简单、概括。
- The dictionary was taken from the terminological database of the Chinese Translation Service, United Nations Headquarters in New York. 本词典取自联合国纽约总部中文处术语库,共169,262词条,其中包括缩略语23,955条和拉丁词条3,624条。
- This still leaves a terminological problem: how to distinguish between the narrow and broad definitions of paralanguage, both of which are contained in the literature. 这仍留下一个术语上的问题:如何区别狭义和广义的副语言,在文献都可见到这两种定义。
- Hence, if the documents tendered under the credit deviate from the language of the credit the bank is entitled to withhold payment even if the deviation is purely terminological. 因此,如果信用证要求提供的单据与信用证要求使用的语言不符,则银行有权拒绝付款,即便该项不符纯粹是措辞上的。法律格言“法律不计较琐细的事”在跟单信用证这一领域无立锥之地。
- Term and terminological usage taking great part in Russian science language are discussed in this paper and can be referred to the scientific and technical translation. 术语及术语化问题是俄语科学语体中的重点和难点。本文分析了科学语体中术语的特点及术语化的各种情况,为科技翻译提供了最有力的借鉴。