Last year, when coal prices were at their height, several local firms listed on Jakarta's stockmarket. 去年煤价高峰时,就有数家当地公司在雅加达证券交易所挂牌上市。
Indeed, investors seem upbeat about the KMT victory, giving Taiwan's stockmarket a boost at a time when other bourses across the region are sliding. 其实,投资者们对于国民党的胜利是拍手叫好的,因为在本地证券交易下滑的时期,这能推动证券市场的发展。
Thanks to them, Softbank is still the stockmarket's most heavily traded company. 多亏了他们的支持,软银仍然是在证券市场上交易量最大的上市公司。
A drastic interest-rate cut this week coincided with stockmarket upheaval. 伴随着本周利率的大幅降低而来的是证券市场有力的反弹。