In the still of the night, when every one..were at rest.
出自: E. Topsell
He was the only thing that broke up the still of the water.
出自: T. Keneally
Beneath the ray Of the still moon.
出自: Shelley
The dance is over, but she can't keep her feet still.
出自: H. Caine
In the corner..so still that she was invisible at first sat a very old lady.
出自: L. Durrell
We are..grateful that the guns are stilled.
出自: A. E. Stevenson
Hugh stole mangoes..to still their hunger.
出自: S. Wynter
The bartender stilled his cloth on the bar.
出自: E. Welty
He tried to still the incessant chatter.
出自: G. Sayer
Pain..powerful enough to still me into immobility.
出自: M. Spufford
Time here had been standing still.
出自: A. Moorehead
I can't sit still these days, I'm too nervous.
出自: I. Murdoch
He groaned and lay still.
出自: H. Secombe
Human beings never stand still,..nor do their relationships.
出自: J. Trollope