provide with or divert by means of an electrical shunt
用作名词 (n.)
Initially vasoconstriction is selective shunting blood to the heart and brain. 开始时,血管收缩是选择性的,血液被分流到心脏和大脑。
Some surgeons believe that shunting of the obstructed lateral ventricle is sufficient unless local mass effect causes symptoms. 有的外科医生认为除非具有明显的占位效应,导致症状,否则受阻侧脑室分流就可以了。
Thus, even large values of capacitance shunting the input will have negligible effect on rise time. 所以,即使并联在输入端的电容很大,其对上升时间的影响也很小。
A basic approach to high speed measurements is to minimize stray shunting capacitance through careful mechanical design of the picoammeter. 实现高速测量的基本方法是,仔细地进行皮安表的机械设计以尽量减少寄生并联电容。