My interest in him chiefly centres in his quick mind. 我对他的兴趣主要在于他头脑灵敏。
The simulations and experiments show that the new designed control system reaches the goal of zero overshot and rapid response. 仿真和试验表明设计的新型控制系统实现了无超调和快速响应的目标。
This rapid response offers possibilities in the stabilization of the AC networks at the converter terminals or in paralleled AC ties. 此快速响应提供了在换流终端站或并联交流联络线稳定交流电网的可能性。
U.S. Navy Lt. Commander Christine Sidenstricker tells VOA News that a U.S. quick response force was called in, engaged in combat and then radioed for additional help. 美国海军少校塞登斯特里克对美国之音表示,美军快速反应部队被调入参加战斗,然后通过无线电呼叫增援。
Their quick response time and ability to move troops and munitions to an intended destination make them a vital link in the chain of any military operation. 他们拥有移动装甲部队和军需品到预定目的地的快速反应能力,这使他们成为一系列的军事行动中的必需环节。